
15-Minute or Less Activities
(for now)

These short activities can be done in this moment to improve your mood, cope with stress, contribute to a community, or contribute to your physical well-being.

Movement, Habits, and Self-Care

About Mindful Eating with Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindful Walking - with Thich Nhat Hanh in Barcelona (subtitles in Spanish)

Shoulder Stretches and Exercises
Short exercises and stretches for your rotator cuff (an important set of muscles and tendons in your shoulders). You might have been sitting in front of a computer for a long time today or earlier this week. It is helpful to stretch from time to time as you work. This set of exercises might be a welcome break for your shoulders, neck, and back.

Balancing Your Food Plate
While necessary diet is different for everyone (often depending on the foods we grew up eating, genetic differences, and current health-related issues), here is some general information on a healthy and balanced diet.

Health Strategies from Black Mental Wellness
Includes 5 Tips for Healthier Eating, Healthy Eating Resources, and a handout about Physical Activity Goals

Create a Circuit Home Workout
Take your pick from this list of exercises

image: a person's hand feeling water
image: sunset on a beach with a clear orb sitting on the sand

Managing Emotions and Stress

Distress Tolerance: Accepting Reality
An exercise to help with distressing feelings that come from challenging situations

Journaling Prompts
Use these 30 prompts to get the ball rolling

Breathing Exercises
Written instructions for multiple breathing exercises

image: rainbow colored roses

Liberation, Resisting Oppression, and celebrating diversity

Tips for protecting undocumented communities
A list of actions to take to increase the safety of undocumented people, including a link to pro bono lawyers

There is no justice without healing (from the Undocublack Network)
A set of short healing activities primarily for Black and Indigenous people

Healing Justice Principles: Some of What We Believe
Ideas about radical healing from the Badass Visionary Healers, a collective of radical healers in the Bay Area

Tool Kits and Resources from the Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective
A variety of resources for Black wellness, including journaling prompts, COVID-19 support, affirmation toolkits, building skills to connect with others, ways to honor your values, grounding practices, and reflections on reimagining Black masculinity

Liberate Meditation-Wellness App for People of Color
Liberate is a meditation app dedicated to empowering the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color community on their journey to find inner peace. Sign up for free to access guided meditations from Teachers of Color to guide you on your path. We are here to empower and support you. You are not alone!

Upon opening the app, users can see it’s separated into different topics, including Ancestors, The Body, Gratitude, Love, Micro Aggressions and more. Users can also pick classes by teachers. The teachers section offers a biography of each person featured and a list of topics they cover. The practices are between five to 20 minutes.

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Photo by Filip Baotić on Unsplash