
Expand Your Thinking about Caring
(for the future)

This section includes mostly informational resources that provide ideas and philosophies about caring in general or about specific ways one can care for a person or community. These are ideas to explore for the future and largely not ways to cope or care in the moment.

Photo by Dstudio Bcn on Unsplash

Individual Wellness

Episode 91: Finding Strength Through Gratitude
Podcast: A doctor' reflections on practicing gratitude and information on its positive effects on emotional and physical health

Four Surprising Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Balancing Your Food Plate
While necessary diet is different for everyone (often depending on the foods we grew up eating, genetic differences, and current health-related issues), here is some general information on a healthy and balanced diet.

Black man smelling red flowers

image: large tree with sun filtering through the branches

Resisting Oppression for Community Wellness

A Compilation of Anti-Oppression Resources
This reading includes the basics of oppression and unpacks issues related to white supremacy, male privilege, transphobia, homophobia, classism, ableism, and ageism.

Radical Acceptance
A handout explaining the principles of radical acceptance and how they can help us with emotional wellness

Tips for protecting undocumented communities
A list of actions to take to increase the safety of undocumented people, including a link to pro bono lawyers

Healing Justice Principles: Some of What We Believe
Ideas about radical healing from the Badass Visionary Healers, a collective of radical healers in the Bay Area

Thinking about Mindfulness

Mindfulness is much more than a set of activities and originates as a practice that is and was part of multiple Asian and Middle Eastern philosophies and religions (including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam). We, in the US, are lucky to benefit from the wisdom shared with us from cultures that practice mindfulness about its benefits to well-being.

About Mindful Eating with Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindful Walking - with Thich Nhat Hanh in Barcelona (subtitles in Spanish)

Mindfulness, Buddhist, and LGBTQ Reflections by Larry Yang
Writings by Larry Yang on a variety of topics related to well-being and liberation

Now More Than Ever We Need Mindfulness
Reflections on mindfulness and compassion

image: silhouette of man looking across water with a sunset