
What to do with the Feels
(for understanding yourself)

These are resources to help you cope with or explore emotions and other sensations.

Processing Emotion

Distress Tolerance: Accepting Reality
An exercise to help with distressing feelings that come from challenging situations

Radical Acceptance
A handout explaining the principles of radical acceptance and how they can help us with emotional wellness

Journaling Prompts
Use these 30 prompts to get the ball rolling

Strategies to Counter the Stress of Racist Experiences
These strategies may help you in moments after a racist experience and to deal with longer-term stress from repeated experiences of racism

There is no justice without healing (from the Undocublack Network)
A set of short healing activities primarily for Black and Indigenous people

image: white woman sitting with hands together on forehead and eyes closed
image: corridor of trees with red leaves on the ground

Connecting to Ongoing Emotional Resources

Mental health resources for immigrant and undocumented people
Includes directories for BIPOC, LGBTQ and Muslim-inclusive practitioners

Liberate Meditation-Wellness App for People of Color
Liberate is a meditation app dedicated to empowering the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color community on their journey to find inner peace. Sign up for free to access guided meditations from Teachers of Color to guide you on your path. We are here to empower and support you. You are not alone!

Upon opening the app, users can see it’s separated into different topics, including Ancestors, The Body, Gratitude, Love, Micro Aggressions and more. Users can also pick classes by teachers. The teachers section offers a biography of each person featured and a list of topics they cover. The practices are between five to 20 minutes.

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zencompass.liberate

Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/liberate-meditation/id1451620569

Photo by Jane Palash on Unsplash