What To Do After A Whiplash Accident

What is Whiplash? 

Whiplash is a form of damage caused by a violent, quick back-and-forth movement of the neck, analogous to the cracking of a whip.

This form of neck injury affects the soft tissue, muscles, tendons, nerves, and spinal cord.

Common Symptoms of Whiplash

Delayed whiplash symptoms are frequent, so you may not notice any for 12 hours or more after your accident.

While some victims experience these symptoms immediately following an accident, they typically take days or even weeks to emerge.

Some common short-term symptoms of whiplash are:

Every patient is unique, but the more symptoms you have and as severe they are, the more likely you are to encounter the long-term repercussions of whiplash. Long-term complications could include neurological problems, muscle weakening, and chronic neck pain.

This is why, regardless of how you feel, you should seek medical assistance following a car accident.

Chiropractic care for whiplash treatment

What should you do immediately after your accident? 

What Should You Do Immediately After Your Accident?

The most crucial thing to do after suffering a whiplash injury is to take it seriously and get medical attention as soon as possible.

Even if you experience little to no discomfort following the accident, you may have sustained a serious injury.

Here's why:

-Immediately after the accident, your body produces adrenaline and cortisol, substances that reduce pain and allow you to respond effectively in an emergency. Unfortunately, these hormones wear off and can cause severe discomfort.

-You may see swelling in the affected areas shortly after your accident. This is your body's protective response, yet it puts strain on injuries, causing stiffness and soreness.

-Whiplash injuries affect delicate soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments. If the injury is not treated immediately, your typical activities will irritate and aggravate it. Even small injuries might soon become incapacitating.

This is why it is critical to get medical attention and submit a personal injury claim as soon as possible after being involved in an accident, such as a rear-end collision. 

Seek Medical Treatment

Getting medical help at the scene of the accident is important, especially if you are already experiencing symptoms, but you can also schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible for a physical exam. 

Soft tissue injuries won’t show up on X-rays or other typical imaging scans, so your doctor will need to perform a variety of different diagnostic tests. 

Explain to your doctor that you were just involved in a car accident so they know to check for injuries inline with whiplash. 

Your doctor can diagnose your injuries and prescribe a treatment plan to treat your whiplash symptoms. 

Self-Care Steps You Can Perform to Help With Whiplash

Self-care Steps You Can Perform For Whiplash

Every whiplash injury is different, so you need to follow your doctor's instructions.

But if you'd like to do a little extra, self-care for whiplash typically includes:

Your doctors' advice may alter based on the severity of your injuries and medical history. 

Even if a doctor recommends using a neck brace for a short period of time, they will advise you to do so intermittently.

They will most likely suggest stretching or strengthening exercises for your neck, back, or other problematic areas. If the damage is severe enough, you may need to seek physical treatment. 

Rest and mild workouts will help mend the injured soft tissue.

Too much rest or immobilization can often impede healing and cause further stresses.

Always follow your doctor's suggestions.

Treat Whiplash With Car Wreck Doctor

If you are experiencing severe neck pain and other physical symptoms as a result of an automobile accident and are concerned about a whiplash injury, you should see a chiropractor.

Treating your whiplash as soon as possible will help you manage existing pain, regain your normal range of motion, and resolve other symptoms.

Car Wreck Doctor can connect you with a competent team of doctors and personal injury attorneys in your region who can assist you in recovering physically and financially.

Don't wait for chronic neck symptoms to appear before getting whiplash treatment.

Car Wreck Doctor can connect you with a leading chiropractor and accident lawyer in your region.

Don't take risks with your health or finances; make an appointment with a Car Wreck Doctor.