Chiropractic Care And Vertigo

Chiropractor in Atlanta for Vertigo

Remember that childhood joy of spinning on a merry-go-round? We'd crave the dizzying rush, begging for more speed. Even without rides, we chased dizziness with games like ring-around-the-rosy. As adults, amusement parks offer even stronger thrills, but what if that dizziness wouldn't stop?

Unlike childhood dizziness that fades quickly, vertigo can linger for hours or days. It's no fun for adults! Thankfully, chiropractic care might offer a solution for certain types of vertigo. Keep reading to learn more about vertigo, chiropractic treatment, and how it can help adults regain balance.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo isn't just that spinning dizziness you get from heights (though heights can trigger it). It's a symptom of various issues, often caused by tiny crystals becoming dislodged in your inner ear. While vertigo can strike at any age, it's more common in older adults.

Episodes can be fleeting or linger long-term. Persistent vertigo may be linked to mental health struggles. Dizziness itself can be a symptom of anxiety or depression, and vertigo's impact on daily life can worsen these conditions. It's a two-way street between your mind and body.

Forget the myth of vertigo being just a fear of heights. It can be triggered by everyday movements, making it quite bothersome. Unfortunately, typical over-the-counter meds often fall short in relieving the intense dizziness.

What Is Vertigo A Symptom Of

Vertigo causes a spinning or dizzy sensation, either in yourself or your surroundings. It's often a sign of an underlying issue affecting your body's balance system.

Common symptoms alongside vertigo include:

Vertigo can be caused by:

In rare cases, serious brain conditions

What Is Chiropractic Care

The focus of chiropractors is on the nervous system's relationship to the spine and joints. Their changes are a drug-free, natural approach to healthcare that aims to enhance general wellbeing. Chiropractic therapy has been shown to be beneficial for a wide range of health problems.

To restore correct joint function and nervous system support, chiropractors—especially those who specialize in the neck, or cervical spine—use focused adjustments. Better movement and pain alleviation in the neck and back are encouraged by these safe, regulated modifications.

Chiropractors may provide massage treatment, lifestyle counseling, personal training, and nutritional advice in addition to adjustments. Helping you reach your ideal health without the need for needless medicine or surgery is their aim. In reality, millions of Americans seek out these kinds of benefits from chiropractic care every year.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Vertigo

Chiropractic care for vertigo tailors treatment to your specific symptoms. They'll assess your condition through physical exams, balance testing, and your medical history.

Treatment may involve:

Relief can be immediate for some, while others may take weeks. Don't be discouraged - chiropractic care offers a path to relief from vertigo.

See A Chiropractor Today

Do you suffer from vertigo? Getting chiropractic care can be beneficial. The chiropractor will examine you, determine the best course of action, and maybe start treatment the same day at your initial visit.

In addition, they might suggest workouts, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes to help you manage your vertigo over time. A consultation with a licensed chiropractor should be arranged if you're interested in learning more about chiropractic care for vertigo alleviation.

Atlanta chiropractor who can help with vertigo symptoms