Sacramento Car Accident Doctor

Accident Injury Doctor in Sacramento, California

Our Car Accident Doctors in Sacramento are Specialized in Treating Car Accident Injuries

Were you recently injured in an auto accident in Sacramento, CA?

If you are hurt, there is no reason to continue to suffer, our experienced personal injury chiropractors can help victims of car accidents in California recover both physically and financially.

Our chiropractic professionals have years of experience treating these types of musculoskeletal injuries and working with personal injury attorneys to make sure your legal rights are protected.

We want to help victims who have sustained injuries in a car accident that was the fault of the other driver.

We will evaluate, diagnose, and treat your injuries while making sure your medical bills are paid for by the negligent individual who caused your crash.

When you choose to work with our clinic and chiropractic doctors, we will ensure that you are taken care of both physically and financially.

We will help relieve your pain symptoms and correct any misalignments caused in the crash.

We also work with the best personal injury lawyers in the Sacramento, CA area to help provide you with the best legal representation available.

So if you have been hurt in a car wreck in Sacramento, California, contact Car Wreck Doctor today to schedule your Free Consultation.

Call today, 770-880-6983.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident in California

Knowing what to do after a car accident can be challenging.

Most individuals involved in a wreck for the first time are stressed, emotional, and even injured, making the necessary steps to take difficult to remember and even confusing.

Therefore, we have created this three-step guide to follow to help accident victims protect themselves physically and financially after a car crash.

Follow the steps below if you have just been involved in an auto accident in Sacramento, Ca.

1.) Call the Police

The very first step you need to take after a collision is contacting the police.

Dial 911 and inform the operator that there has been a car accident at your current location. It is also essential to inform them of any injuries sustained by yourself or the other driver involved.

Contacting the police should be your first priority after a wreck because they will create a police report documenting the circumstances of the crash. This document will prove invaluable if the negligent party tries to claim they were not at fault in the accident.

The cops may also ticket the at-fault driver. This evidence will help you obtain compensation for both your medical bills, treatments, damages, and other miscellaneous expenses that you incurred due to the accident.

In addition to the documents provided by the authorities, you should collect your own evidence if you are not too badly injured.

This means, take photographs of the damages, injuries, and even traffic and weather conditions. We also recommend exchanging information with the other driver and witnesses on the scene.

All of these aspects can prove to be very important in the weeks following your accident.

2.) See a Medical Professional

Next step is to schedule an appointment with a personal injury doctor or chiropractor.

We can not stress this point enough. It is absolutely essential for victims of auto accidents to be seen by a chiropractor.

The presence of pain and visible injuries is not a true indicator of your potential injuries, in fact, many car accident injuries do not appear until days or even weeks after the accident.

This means you could be hurt and not yet know it due to the release of adrenaline and other hormones after the crash.

This is the body's natural coping mechanism, but it can cause victims to miss their window of opportunity to receive treatment covered by the other driver's insurance company.

That's right, you only have a small window of time after a car accident to receive treatment, so do not take the gamble on whether you are actually injured or not. See a chiropractor within 48 hours to have yourself evaluated for any potential injuries.

Your doctor will document your injuries, provide a diagnosis and personalized treatment plan, and help you find a reputable personal injury attorney to work with so you can have your medical bills paid for.

3.) Contact a Car Accident Lawyer

The last step is to contact a personal injury attorney.

Accident victims should not have to pay for the injuries, treatments, and medical bills they incur due to another person's careless actions.

We want to help you get the compensation you deserve, so you never have to pay out of pocket for your necessary treatments.

We have a vast connection of personal injury lawyers that we work with, so you can trust you are in good hands every step of the way.

Common Injuries Sustained in Auto Accidents

If you were recently involved in a car crash, there are many different types of injuries that you could have sustained.

Unfortunately, the majority of these injuries are invisible to the naked eye and need to be professionally diagnosed by a chiropractor.

The most common injuries individuals suffer from after an auto accident include:

  • Back Injuries: Back and spinal injuries can cause pain symptoms to the upper or lower back. This type of trauma often results from damage, wear, and tear, or a misalignment to the muscles, bones, or other tissues in the back or spinal column.

  • Soft Tissue Damage: One of the most common injuries accident victims suffer from are soft tissue injuries. This means damage has been sustained to muscles, tendons, and/or ligaments throughout the body.

  • Chest Injuries: This type of injury can affect the ribs, chest, lungs, and heart.

  • Neck Injury or Whiplash: A neck injury that can be caused even in low-speed impact collisions. This injury is caused by a severe jerk to the head that causes the soft tissues to stretch beyond their normal range.

  • Head Injuries: This type of injury can be very serious and range from lacerations to concussion to traumatic brain injury. If you hit your head in a car accident, seek medical treatment immediately.

Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accident Injuries

Depending on the severity and type of injury you have sustained in the accident, there could be many different treatment options.

Therefore, the first step when you schedule your initial appointment is to diagnose your condition.

Our chiropractors pride themselves on being experts at identifying and treating the types of injuries people sustain in motor vehicle accidents.

Once your injury has been identified, a personalized treatment plan that is tailored specifically to your individual needs will be implemented.

You will most likely need to visit the doctor a few times a week, at least at first, until your injury symptoms start to diminish.

One of the best things about chiropractic care is that it is 100% natural and completely safe. We never recommend dangerous surgeries or prescribe addictive pain medications.

Rather, we treat your injuries naturally and help your body heal itself.

Some of the most common treatment techniques we use at our chiropractic office include:

  • Chiropractic Mobilization

  • Pelvic Stabilization Drills

  • Spinal Subluxation, Decompression, and Manipulation

  • Ergonomic Training

  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Our chiropractors use these treatment techniques to reduce your pain symptoms and correct any misalignments in your spine.

Contact Our Car Accident Chiropractors in Sacramento, California for Treatment Today!

We hope this article has provided some clarity and information if you have recently been involved in an auto accident.

Our professional and experienced Sacramento, California chiropractors can help you recover after your accident.

Whether you are suffering from neck pain, back pain, or a whiplash injury, we have the experience and connections you need to recover fully and get your expenses paid for after the accident.

Do not continue to suffer when you do not have to. Our chiropractic clinic specializes in treating those who sustained injuries in car accidents.

Click the link below to schedule your free consultation with our Car Wreck Chiropractors in Sacramento, California, today!