Cypress Lakes Car Accident Doctor

Accident Injury Doctor in Cypress Lakes, Florida

Our Cypress Lakes Car Accident Doctors Specialize in Treating the Victims of Auto Accidents

If you were injured in a Car Accident in Cypress Lakes, FL, our Automobile Accident Doctors can help with your recovery.

At our clinic, our Doctors specialize in treating the victims of auto accidents. We have the skills and resources to help each patient with their recovery.

Our Cypress Lakes Chiropractors help car wreck victims through the use of nervous and musculoskeletal system therapeutic adjustments.

Our Doctors are able to provide a referral to an experienced Personal Injury Attorney to ensure your medical expenses are taken care of and your legal rights are protected.

Becoming the victim of an accident can cause both physical and emotional trauma that can last for days, weeks, months, or even years to recover fully.

It is important to contact an Accident Injury Doctor immediately following your car wreck. Click below to speak with a Cypress Lakes Accident Doctor for free today. 770-880-6983

What to do After a Car Accident in Cypress Lakes, Florida

Motor Vehicle Accidents are a common occurrence in Cypress Lakes, FL. Many victims will obtain injuries that require medical attention for some period of time.

When you are hurt in a wreck, you will need professional treatment to ensure your injuries are taken care of so you do not have future problems.

When you are involved in a Car Accident, there are several steps you should take to protect yourself:

1. Call Emergency Services: Immediately after a car wreck, your first step should be notifying the local Cypress Lakes police department.

You will need proper documentation of the accident stating the other driver's fault and responsibility for the damages and injuries that you suffered.

This will help when filing a lawsuit and obtaining compensation for your medical expenses.

2. See a Medical Doctor: After you have given your statement to the police, you will need to seek medical treatment.

It is important to be seen by an Accident Injury Doctor even if you believe your injuries are minor. Some symptoms do not set in right away, and obtaining a proper diagnosis is the best way to ensure your medical bills are covered by the at-fault party's insurance company.

3. Contact a Car Accident Attorney: If your accident was caused by another driver, it is also important to seek legal advice. At our Cypress Lakes Accident Center we can provide you with a Personal Injury Attorney referral .

Your attorney will help you receive the settlement you deserve for the injuries and damages that you suffered as a result of another person's negligence.

Common Injuries After a Car Accident

No matter how severe a car accident is, serious injuries with long-term health effects can be the result. The Accident Doctors at our Cypress Lakes office treat various types of accident injuries.

The most common injuries we treat include the following:

  • Neck Injuries

  • Whiplash

  • Soft Tissue Damage

  • Chest Injuries

  • Back Injuries

  • Concussion

  • Spinal Cord Damage

  • Neck Injuries

Treatment for Victims of Car Accidents

Car Accident Traumas can take a long time for a victim to recover fully, which is why seeking treatment from a medical professional is important for optimal recovery.

Car Wreck Doctor works only with accident injury professionals who have at least ten years of experience.

We require this so that our clients can rest easy knowing that their physical recovery and legal rights are in the best possible hands.

Chiropractic Care

Depending on the injury, our Chiropractic Doctors will perform therapeutic techniques which include:

  • Chiropractic Mobilization - the use of manual manipulation to stretch and move joints and muscles to increase the range of motion and flexibility.

  • Spinal Decompression, Subluxation and Manipulation - the use of different amounts of pressurized thrusts that help to restore range of motion, improve functionality, and reduce pain caused by irritated nerves.

  • Pelvic Stabilization Drills - these drills are used to treat lower back pain by strengthening the lumbar muscles so that less stress is put on the lower vertebrae.

  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation - uses electrical impulses that contract the muscles in a way that the nervous system does to increase strength and rehabilitate the muscles.

  • Ergonomic Training - the goal of Ergonomic training is to increase efficiency and improve posture to decrease injuries in the workplace caused by harmful patterns of posture and movement.

Chiropractic Doctors use manipulations, spinal adjustments, and other therapeutic methods to realign the spine and restore the body to optimal function.

When the spine is properly adjusted, the pressure on the vertebrae and spinal nerves should feel relief from pain.

Chiropractors use non-invasive treatment to help the body restore it's normal function without the need for pain medications and surgery.

Chiropractors work with each patient on an individualized basis, creating a specialized treatment plan that is focused on each patient's specific needs.

The Doctor will conduct a thorough exam to ensure that the patient's treatment plan is tailored to their injuries.

Contact Our Accident Injury Doctors in Cypress Lakes, Florida

If you are the victim of a Car Accident in Cypress Lakes, FL, it is important to contact an experienced Accident Injury Doctor to examine your injuries and help with your recovery.

Our Chiropractic Doctors have the necessary skills and resources to help each patient return to optimal health.

We can provide a professional attorney referral to ensure your medical bills are taken care of.

To speak with a Cypress Lakes Accident Injury Doctor, click on the link below for a free consultation.

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