Chiropractic Care for Dizziness and Vertigo 

Chiropractic care in Atlanta, GA

Everyone has experienced a dizzy sensation at some point in their life.

It may be because our children begged us to spin them in a circle, we stood up too quickly, or we spent too much time staring at an optical illusion. 

Although the sensation of unsteadiness might be unsettling, it is usually fleeting and much smaller than vertigo.

Even when standing motionless, vertigo is defined as extreme dizziness accompanied by a sensation of movement or spinning. 

In daily life, vertigo can be extremely crippling as it can produce nausea, make it difficult to walk, and impede hearing and vision.

There are a number possible causes of vertigo, most of which have to do with how your brain and inner ear communicate.

Chiropractic treatments may be the best course of action to treat your dizziness because of the neurological connection. Many people suffer from vertigo, which is a fairly common ailment, but there are excellent treatments available.

The following article discusses vertigo and dizziness, as well as the benefits of chiropractic care.

Causes and Symptoms of Vertigo

Vertigo is typically caused by three major diseases, all of which are related to ear issues.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, or BPPV, is a condition brought on by accumulated calcium carbonate crystals in the inner ear canal. 

Although the etiology of this illness is uncertain, elderly people have been the majority of instances. 

Another ear infection-related medical disorder that causes vertigo is vestibular neuritis. 

Vertigo is caused by inflammation of the inner ear nerves in this illness. 

Finally, vertigo may also be triggered by Meniere's illness. 

Meniere's disease can cause vertigo or permanent hearing loss that resulted from fluid accumulation and pressure in the inner ear.

Vertigo can be easily diagnosed by looking for the telltale symptoms, which include dizziness and a spinning sensation. 

It can also result in a number of additional typical symptoms, like:

Patients who have suffered injuries to their heads or necks frequently experience vertigo.

A disruption in the nerve system routes leaving the spinal column is frequently the cause of this.

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Chiropractic Care for Vertigo

Through the use of various treatment programs including exercises, massage therapy, manual therapy, or manipulations, chiropractic care offers several therapies for vertigo and may be able to relieve or cure common types of vertigo.

Cervical vertigo is a unique kind of vertigo that can be relieved by chiropractic adjustments or manipulations. It is caused by misaligned cervical spine joints after a neck injury.

In addition to causing neck pain, the injury causes the brain to receive wrong information regarding movement and body position. 

This false information could make you feel lightheaded and possibly dizzy. 

By realigning the cervical spine's joints and vertebrae, spinal manipulations may be able to improve nerve routes and enable more transparent communication.

As previously mentioned, the cause of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the movement of crystals within the inner ear. 

Your otolith organs are the source of the calcium crystals that give you your gravitational sensitivity. 

They have the ability to move from the organ into other areas of the vestibular labyrinth, which can cause dizziness attacks and change your center of balance.

Your chiropractor may employ the Epley maneuver as a chiropractic treatment to treat BPPV. This primary technique maneuvers your head position to reposition the crystals inside the inner ear and is considered to be a holistic approach.

Additionally, your chiropractor can instruct you on a few particular at-home exercises that may help your vestibular system and the way it communicates with your brain.

The persistent dizziness and other side symptoms that come with vertigo should not have to be endured by anyone. 

You might be able to resume your regular daily activities without experiencing vertigo with the assistance of a chiropractor's evidence-based practice method.

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Chiropractic Care Has Worked for Others

Numerous case studies have been conducted in order to draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of getting chiropractic treatment in order to alleviate vertigo.  

In one such study, a middle-aged woman complained of neck stiffness, vertigo, and upper arm symptoms for which she had previously received a neurological diagnosis. 

She was able to resume her daily activities pain-free after obtaining frequent chiropractic adjustments for 2.5 months, which addressed all of the difficulties.  

A twelve-year-old boy who suffered from vertigo and missed half of his seven years of school was the subject of another research. 

Over the course of a year, he underwent repeated modifications to the C2 and C6 vertebrae. 

He started out going to the chiropractor three times a week, and over time, his appointments were cut down to just one per month. 

Following the initial weeks of therapy, the youngster reported less headaches and feelings of vertigo. 

He had no symptoms at all at the end of the 12-month period, and his absence from school had significantly decreased from 223 half days to 56 half days.

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Atlanta chiropractic care

Contact a Chiropractor Today

Don't let having vertigo make you feel like you have to lead a life of inferior quality. 

Numerous people have benefited from Car Wreck Doctor's assistance in realigning their spines and removing the cause of fibromyalgia, chronic headaches and migraines, chronic neck pain, chronic back pain, and a host of other medical issues.

They can assist you with your dizziness as well.

Make an appointment for a baseline consultation with Car Wreck Doctor right now to discover more about the possible benefits of chiropractic care for vertigo, start experiencing long-lasting relief, and recover equilibrium in more ways than one.