
After more than three years being active within the University Council, I decided to nominate myself for another two years.


I have experienced the Council as a lively and critical body of committed students and staff, which is a serious speaking partner for the Executive Board.

In this way I believe that the Council contributes effectively to decision-making processes at University level that are well-informed, transparent and have a strong support base among staff and students.


If I would be elected for the upcoming cycle, I would like to make myself strong for a genuine inclusive and international university, for the recognition and rewarding of the diverse expertise and capacity within the university; and

for an university that plays an effective role in society and where human values always prevail.


If I would not be elected, I at least hope that many, many staff and students will have casted their vote as an expression of a strong appreciation and support for staff and student participation within this university.



Emile Dopheide,

Education manager,

Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)

Tel.+31 (0)53 4874 230
