
Planting Excellence Initiative: Let us support you! 


優植計畫,我挺你! 2024大學植食獎學金培訓營

近年來大學校園中對於植物性飲食 (植食)的意識越來越普及,加入植食行列的大學生夥伴也越來越多,但我們卻鮮少在社會中的植食推廣看見具有持續性的新計畫誕生,因此我們將在2024年的暑假舉辦「優植計畫,我挺你! 2024大學植食獎學金培訓營」培訓更多目前在大學校園內推廣植食或對推廣植食有興趣的夥伴,幫助他們在校園甚至延伸到離開校園後,用更永續的方式繼續發光發熱!

Planting Excellence Initiative: Let us support you! 2024 University Plant-Based Scholarship Training Camp

In recent years, a growing number of university campuses in Taiwan have been hosting plant-based events; however, many of them were small in scale and impermanent, lacking the momentum to bring about structural change. The "Planting Excellence Initiative: Let Us Support You!" aims to train students who are currently promoting plant-based diets on university campuses or are interested in doing so, bring like-minded individuals together to brainstorm ideas, and provide much-needed funding to implement these brilliant ideas. It is our biggest wish that student-led programs can have a significant impact on their peers and institutions.

主辦單位 :

Animal Alliance Asia——AAA為一致力培力亞洲各國動物正義倡議夥伴的組織,我們於2023舉辦了動物倡議論壇、學院、研討會、轉助款計畫以及與人權相關的「改變敘事力量(Changing the Narrative)」等實體及線上活動,希望在2024也可以繼續幫助台灣的倡議夥伴們用更有效、永續的方式推廣動物與植食相關議題。




政大Green24永續社——創設於民國108年,如今已邁入第五屆。「24」以中文發音,近似英文earth,因此有Green earth之意,代表著24小時共同邁向綠色、永續的地球是社團成員的共同目標,也象徵24小時都要注重環保的觀念。我們持續關心環境議題,並致力以行動在政大校園內推行環境意識,盼讓校園生活更加永續。

Hosted by:

Animal Alliance Asia (AAA) - AAA is an organization dedicated to empowering partners advocating for animal justice across Asia. In 2023, we organized physical and online events such as animal advocacy forums, academies, seminars, fundraising projects, and "Changing the Narrative" activities related to human rights. We aim to continue assisting advocacy partners in Taiwan in 2024 by promoting animal and plant-based issues in more effective and sustainable ways.

Collaborating Partners:

Taiwan Vegetarian Nutrition Society (TWVNS) - The first nonprofit organization in Taiwan promoting plant-based diet through nutritional sciences. We host lectures, courses, seminars, create media interviews, and disseminate plant-based nutritional knowledge via our website. TWVNS is committed to providing evidence-based information to the public.

"Shu Da Ren" (蔬大人) - "Shu Da Ren," also known as "Shi Da Ren" (師大人), introduces plant-based meal options in the NTNU (National Taiwan Normal University), and around Gongguan areas via social media. We update the NTNU plant-based map annually, occasionally participate in markets, and host events to make plant-based diets less daunting.

NCCU Green24 Sustainability Club - Established in 2019, NCCU (National Chengchi University) Green24 Sustainability Club is now in its fifth iteration. "24" is pronounced similarly to "earth" in Chinese, symbolizing the members' common goal of collectively striving for a green and sustainable earth 24/7. We continue to address environmental issues and are committed to promoting environmental awareness through action on the NCCU campus, aiming to make campus life more sustainable.


2024/5/25 : Vegan 野餐點我報名

Key Dates:

2024/5/25: Vegan Picnic (Click here to register)