挑戰報名人數 Number of participants

58人報名: 頭等艙 (A): 15人、商務艙 (B): 28人、經濟艙 (C): 15人

58 people signed up for the challenge: 

15 people signed up for Plan A (inlcudes lunch, pre-challenge and post-challenge health examination)

28 people signed up for Plan B (includes lunch only)

15 people singed up for Plan C (participate in the challenge without meal support)

A 方案年齡層分佈 

Age distribution of Plan A participants


A方案挑戰者: 學生跟教職員各占一半左右

During the challenge, which coincided with the peak of the pandemic, many people had to give up due to isolation and inability to participate in health checks. In the end, Plan A was left with only 12 participants, all of whom were female.

Participants in Plan A: Approximately half were students and half were faculty members.

A 方案 BMI 分佈

A 方案挑戰者中,肥胖與過重佔一半

A 方案: 挑戰前血脂狀況


A 方案: 挑戰前血脂比較


關於總膽固醇 與 低密度脂蛋白

經過14天沒有吃肉、蛋、奶,大家的「飽和脂肪」跟「膽固醇」的攝取量也因此減少,這在健檢結果中非常明顯得呈現出來,也與目前的科學文獻相符,A方案挑戰者的總膽固醇與低密度脂蛋白 (LDL-C) 均下降許多,大幅降低心血管疾病的風險 (冠心病、中風、高血壓等等)。


可惜的是,A方案許多人的三酸甘油脂是升高的,這代表含糖食品 (飲料、糖果、糕點) 與 精緻澱粉 (白米、白麵條、白吐司、調味麵包) 攝取過多,經由肝臟處理後,變成三酸甘油脂儲存在脂肪細胞。



 1. 運動 

 2. 用燕麥、糙米、全麥、地瓜、南瓜、豆類等原型食物取代精緻澱粉 

3. 份量佔一餐的1/4就好,另外記得要減少含糖飲料的攝取

** 凡參與A方案的人,都收到一份個人化的PDF「健檢成果報告」檔案**