Staying in a Cabin 

Overnight Cabins Volunteer Roles

K- 3rd Grade

As a volunteer in the overnight cabins you're responsible for:

Feel free to allow the children to read or chat as they settle down for the night until lights out at 9:00 p.m.  Camp Jones Gulch quiet hours begin at 10pm.

In the morning, polar bear volunteers will come to get the children ready and take them to swim. 

Early morning volunteers will also come to help relieve you or support you in taking care of the children who decide to stay behind. 

4th - 7th Grade

As a volunteer in the overnight cabins you're responsible for ensuring the children get themselves ready for bed

Feel free to allow the children to read or chat as they settle down for the night.  Camp Jones Gulch quiet hours begin at 10pm.

In the morning, polar bear volunteers will come to get the children ready and take them to swim. 

Early morning volunteers will also come to help relieve you or support you in taking care of the children who decide to stay behind

8th Grade

This year, the 8th graders will be camping in tents in a field on-site. 

As a volunteer for the campground, you will stay in your own tent on-site. 

 Camp Jones Gulch quiet hours begin at 10pm.

In the morning, volunteers will come to escort interested 8th graders to polar bear swim

Early morning volunteers will also come to relieve you or support you in chaperoning the children who decide to stay behind.