Activity 1 - Flight Path

Goals and Learning Expectations for this Course:

My goals for this course are to grow my knowledge and proficiency in what technology is out there for educators as well as learn about new and upcoming technologies that will be relevant to my new teaching assignment for next year. I will be moving from an elementary French immersion classroom to a junior high core French placement. There are many more applications and abilities to use tech in this type of classroom and I really want to grow in my knowledge throughout this course. I also want to deepen my knowledge of AI and how it will influence and change teaching as we move forward. 

Another goal is to grow my ability to be an advocate and teacher for other educators in our schools so they may have the skills and tools to aid in their teaching. I firmly believe that we as educators not only need to learn about tech for our own growth and classrooms but also need this growth to spread and be shared amongst other educators in our respective schools and throughout the community. 

This program has been an important step in the evolution of my teaching. I have grown in my integration of technology across many different age groups, I have grown a thirst for knowledge in the tech education field and hope to eventually be able to be a coach and teacher for other educators. I believe this is a piece of the puzzle that is missing, and we dive even deeper into the tech age. In my schools I find a lot of peers struggling or hesitant to integrate tech fully as they don't have the knowledge, the tools or the resources needed. In this way, I hope to use this masters and all the knowledge and skills acquired to aid others to succeed in their integration and use of tech in their respective teaching environments. I believe that is goal and hope is in line with the Leader standard presented by the ISTE. This is my first time really looking at these standards and I find them to be the embodiment of what I hope teachers in my area will embrace and explore in their own teaching practices. 

Pulling directly from the website the standards I hope to learn more about and grow with are:

2.1.c Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences.

2.2.c Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning.

2.3.b Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.

2.4.b Collaborate and co-learn with students to discover and use new digital resources and diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues.

2.5.b Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.

2.6.c Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.

2.7.c Use assessment data to guide progress and communicate with students, parents and education stakeholders to build student self-direction.

*I intend for this statement to be revised, added to, questioned, and grow alongside me throughout this course. 

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2017). Standards for teachers. Retrieved from