The 2019 CAEOP Educational Administrator of the Year Award is Dr. Richard Kleindienst, Coordinator of Behavioral & Mental Health with Hemet Unified School District
Educational Administrator of the Year Award
The Educational Administrator of the Year Award criteria is as follows.
The candidate recognizes educational classified staff as important stakeholders in the daily operation and structure of the organization
The candidate is an avid supporter of the progress of educational classified staff
One candidate may be nominated by a CAEOP member or by an affiliate association for the current year (April 1 to March 31).
To be eligible candidates must:
be currently employed as an educational administrator and for at least five (5) years.
must be supportive of educational office professionals and encourage their professional growth.
To nominate a candidate, please fill out the Educational Administrator of the Year Application and follow the criteria for judging.
The 2019 Educational Office Professional of the Year Award is Connie Vargas with Kern County Superintendent of Schools.
Educational Office Professional of the Year Award
The Educational Office Professional of the Year criteria is as follows.
The candidate must be an active CAEOP member in good standing.
The candidate must be currently employed as an educational office professional or retired within the past twelve (12) months for a minimum of three (3) years in an educational institution, agency, public or private school or a college or university.
be a current member in good standing for the past two years.
Only one candidate may be nominated by a CAEOP member or affiliate association during the current year (April 1 to March 31).
To nominate a candidate, please fill out the Educational Office Professional of the Year Application and follow the criteria and guidelines for nomination submission.
Kathryn Miller, CEOE was awarded the 2019 Connie Wilson Community Service Award
Connie Wilson Community Service Award
The Connie Wilson Community Service Award was established by the California Association of Educational Office Professionals on October 26, 1991, for the purpose of recognizing those members showing exemplary service to the community.
The purpose of the Connie Wilson Community Service Award is to recognize outstanding service to the community on the part of a CAEOP member, active, associate or retired, in any and all categories of service.
Any current CAEOP member including active, institutional, associate or retired in good standing is eligible for the Connie Wilson Community Service Award. Nominations for persons/affiliates to be considered may be submitted by any member or affiliate in good standing.
Nominations are made by submitting the Connie Wilson Community Service Award Nomination Form.
Life Honorary Membership Awards
Start thinking about nominating someone next year for this distinguished honor.
The following criteria will be considered to ensure that only those persons who have clearly rendered outstanding service to CAEOP on a statewide basis will be awarded this honor thereby maintaining the highest standards for these awards.
A. To be eligible for a Life or Honorary Membership Award, a person must have performed some type of service that clearly is meritorious and sets the nominee apart from other persons performing a like, similar or other service for the membership.
B. The nomination must clearly and specifically set forth the service provided.
C. Life Memberships will be awarded to CAEOP members only; Honorary Memberships will be awarded to nonmembers only.
D. A nominee for Life Membership will have maintained membership in the Association for not less than ten years.