
Workshops (simultaneous)

MiniscopeTeam: Megha Sehgal , from the Miniscope Team (Mount Sinai, New York, USA) (Limited to 30 places)

Preprints Workshop: Daniela Saderi, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR (USA)

(Limited to 30 places)

recoveriX Workshop: Marc Sebastian, g.tec MEDICAL ENGINEERING (Limited to 30 places)

IMPORTANT: Workshops registration will be done ON SITE* on a first come-first served basis

*Doors will be opened from 20 min before the starting hour and will remain opened until reaching the full capacity of the room (or 2 min before the beginning of the workshop).

If workshops happen to be full... don't worry! You can visit the Natural Sciences Museum for free!

Plenary Lecture: Carlos Ribeiro PhD, from Champalimaud center for the Unknown (Lisbon, Portugal)

The gourmet fly: using a winged brain to understand how animals decide what to eat

NeuroArt (coming soon)

Beer networking

Closing Party