Pace of Play

Pace of play is one of the most important elements in having a great experience at the golf course. It is one thing that is mentioned often in our surveys about things that could be improved in the BWGA experience. Our goal is to play rounds in four and a half hours or less. Our tournament rounds should be viewed a little differently than your social rounds. It is often a combination of little things that contribute to slow play and on-course traffic jams. Remember: pace of play is not about rushing, it is about being ready to play your shot promptly when it is your turn, and navigating efficiently around the course.

Your group’s pace of play is keeping up with the group in front. If when you reach the tee box and there is a group near or on the green you are IN POSITION. If there is not a group on the hole you are OUT OF POSITION AND SHOULD SPEED UP YOUR GROUP’S PACE OF PLAY USING READY GOLF TECHNIQUES, ETC. UNTIL YOU ARE IN POSITION. Do not use the line of thinking often heard said “Well there is no one pushing us”. That is not the standard that will meet the time goal mentioned above.

The following are techniques that have proven to improve pace of play and EXPECTED TO BE USED BY ALL OUR PLAYERS ALL OF THE TIME:

As you have read through these tips, we are sure you have concluded that most of them save only little bits of time. That is the key for having good pace of play. Those little bits of time by each player add up to more significant chunks of group time. A slow group impacts all the groups behind them.

Let’s all incorporate these tips into our style of play and increase our enjoyment of golf and each other’s company.

Thank you in advance for your emphasis on pace of play!