BWGA Bylaws


The name of this organization shall be the Belmont Women's Golf Association, hereinafter referred to as the "BWGA”.


The BWGA promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and community for women who have a common interest in the game of golf. The BWGA provides friendly competition and social activities among its members as well as opportunities to play in a more competitive environment against other Golf Clubs both individually and in teams. We value mutual respect, the desire to improve our game, and to learn and adhere to USGA rules. The BWGA works in cooperation with the golf staff and management of the Belmont Country Club.


All adult (18 years old and over), female, amateur golf members of Belmont Country Club are eligible for membership in the BWGA. Only club members who have paid their annual dues, as established by the BWGA Board (the “Board”), are members of the BWGA.

Members who join after July 15th shall pay one-half of the annual dues. Only BWGA members may participate in the BWGA events and are eligible to vote in annual elections for the Board or to run for election to the Board. Events are defined as any competition or other golfing activity planned by the BWGA and may include, but is not limited to scheduled tournaments, the Member-Guest Tournament, weekly play day events (such as Wednesday Ladies Day and other eighteen-hole or nine-hole play days that take place throughout the season), Home To Home Tournaments, Career Women's lnterclub matches, ARFAX tournaments, WDCGA tournaments, and any other interclub events organized by the BWGA. While strongly encouraged, a USGA handicap is not required to join the BWGA; however, members must have a valid USGA handicap to participate in any BWGA event that requires a handicap for scoring.

If the BWGA organizes the Ladies’ Member-Guest Tournament, and a female amateur who is a golf member of the Belmont Country Club but not a member of the BWGA wishes to participate in the BWGA’s Ladies’ Member-Guest Tournament, she and her guest may do so under the following conditions:



The amount of dues payable each year shall be determined by the Board. Dues for active members shall be paid at the first BWGA meeting in the spring or during the early renewal period prior to the start of the season. Members who join the BWGA after July 15th or later shall pay half the annual dues. Dues are non-refundable. Only members in good standing will be eligible to vote in BWGA elections in the fall. If the Board elects to do so, there shall be an early renewal period whereby members of the current season may renew early for the next season. The early renewal period starts December 1 and ends at the spring meeting.


A proposed budget for the current year shall be prepared by the Treasurer and presented to the Board at their first meeting of the new year. The budget must be presented to the BWGA membership at the spring meeting.


The Board, in cooperation with the golf staff and management of Belmont Country Club, has jurisdiction over the conduct of BWGA golf tournaments and represents the BWGA membership in golf-related contacts with the golf staff and management of Belmont Country Club.


The fiscal year of the BWGA shall run from December 1st of a given calendar year to November 30th of the following calendar year ("Fiscal Year"). The term of office for all members of the Board shall coincide with the association's Fiscal Year. Elections will be held in October. Officers of the BWGA shall be elected by the BWGA membership. All BWGA members are eligible to run for and hold any Board position. The BWGA membership shall be given an opportunity to nominate and elect officers by ballot. New officers shall be announced promptly following the election and prior to the beginning of their respective term. All sitting Board members are eligible to be nominated and elected to subsequent Board terms. If a Board member cannot fulfill her term, the Board shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the vacating Board member's term.


The four officers of the Board shall be determined by the nomination and election process set forth in Article VI above and shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer ("Officers"). In addition, the Board shall include three At-Large Members as appointed by a vote among the Officers. These Board members, along with a representative of Belmont Country Club Management, shall comprise the BWGA Board of Directors (“Board”). Each member of the Board shall have one vote and all Board members shall vote on matters in front of the Board for consideration.

A.   The President shall preside over all regular and special meetings of the Board. She serves as an official representative and liaison to the advisory board of Belmont Country Club. The President and the Board will choose the chairpersons for the committees by one vote per Board member. The President shall call special meetings, as she deems necessary. She has general supervision over all the affairs of the BWGA. She shall keep the Vice President informed of all operations of the BWGA so that the Vice President may assume that office in the event of a vacancy.

B.   The Vice President acts in the absence of the President and assists in performing duties of that office.

C.   The Secretary keeps the minutes of all meetings of the Board and membership meetings. The Secretary issues such notices as may be required by the bylaws, conducts the correspondence of the BWGA, and keeps its records. The Secretary ensures the release of all public relations notices. The Secretary also performs such other duties as may be required by the Board.

D.   The Treasurer deposits all monies collected by the BWGA, maintains full account of all monies, prepares the budget for the approval of the Board, and reports same to the general membership. The Treasurer disburses funds as directed by the Board and in accordance with the budget and signs all disbursements for funds. The Treasurer shall present a financial report to the Board at each Board meeting and present a year-to-date financial report to the BWGA membership at the season ending banquet.


The Board shall meet once a month. The President will establish the agenda. Any BWGA member may attend any Board meeting. They must have a written agenda and it shall be sent to the President one week before the meeting. Standing and special committee attendance and reports are excluded from written notification. Special meetings can be called at any time by the President or upon written request of twenty-five percent of the membership of the BWGA. Board meetings will consist of the elected Board (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and At­Large Members. Committee Chairs will only be required to attend Board meetings when the Board agenda necessitates input from them or their respective committee members. A full BWGA meeting shall be scheduled semi-annually.


The Board possesses the authority to determine the necessity of Standing Committees deemed essential for the BWGA. The Board shall have the discretion to establish, dissolve, or modify Standing Committees as required to fulfill BWGA’s objectives and responsibilities. The function of each Standing Committee is to assist the Board in carrying out its duties.

The Board shall elect Committee Chairpersons; each Chair serves for a term that coincides with the term of the electing Board. Committee Chairs, in conjunction with the Board and as appropriate, may appoint additional committee members; each committee should consist of at least two members so the committee will function when the Chair is not available. Committee Chairs shall leave complete records, including a final written report of procedures to facilitate the work of the incoming Committee Chairs.

Committee Chairs do not have a vote. They can approach the Board with any issues, concerns, or requests. When a committee has golf business to discuss with the Board, they are required to be present at the meeting. This may include, but is not limited to budget, scheduling, events, and tournaments. These issues must be submitted in writing to the President one week before the monthly meeting. Standing Committees may include, but are not limited to the following:

Major Tournaments – Once the tournament schedule is confirmed by the President and professional golf staff, determine each tournament format. Present the tournament schedule, with formats, to the Board for approval as early as possible in advance of the spring meeting. Prior to each event, coordinate with the pro shop staff to ensure all aspects of the tournament are decided and prepared, including but not limited to the method of sign-up, eligibility of players, conditions of play, scorecards, and pairings. Determine tournament prizes according to the format and allotted budget.

Weekly Tournaments - The weekly Tournament Chairs will represent the eighteen­hole and nine-hole golfers. The Chairs will prepare a schedule of events for the season as early as possible and present it to the Board for approval. The Tournament Chair will coordinate with the pro shop, inform players of the game planned for the day, and rearrange pairings as necessary. If applicable, determine and track winners.

Membership/Welcoming - Collects membership fees and contact information from all new members of the BWGA. Keep and maintain the current season roster. Attend “new member” events organized by Belmont Country Club to meet, educate and recruit potential BWGA members.

Communications - Works with the Board to relay information to BWGA members and prospective members. Liaise with the Board and Belmont staff to promote the BWGA and its events. The information shall be shared using the most effective medium, including but not limited to emails, flyers, newsletters, social media and the BWGA website.

Member-Guest - Prepares schedule of events for the Member-Guest event and presents schedule and budget to the Board for approval. At the start of the season, the Board will determine if the BWGA or the pro shop will set up and manage the event as approved.


The Board possesses the authority to determine the necessity of committees deemed essential for the BWGA. The Board shall have the discretion to establish, dissolve, or modify committees as required to fulfill the BWGA’s objectives and responsibilities. Other BWGA committees may include, but are not limited to the following:

Interclub League Representatives – The Board, during the first month of its term, shall elect or appoint a BWGA member to act as the representative for Belmont Country Club for each of the interclub leagues or activities. These interclub leagues include but are not limited to Career Women's lnterclub League, ARFAX, Home To Home, and WDCGA. Each appointed representative acts as the liaison and represents the BWGA at organizational meetings, if applicable. She will distribute information and schedules of league events; collect fees, submit applications for the members to the respective organizations; and fulfill all other league related responsibilities.

Rules Committee - Drafts local rules of play for all tournaments and, as necessary, answer questions regarding rules. In addition, the Chair may educate members concerning handicap posting procedures as needed and monitor members’ posting habits. As needed, seek assistance from professional golf staff to determine the final ruling in accordance with USGA rules of golf.

Nominating Committee - The Board will appoint a Nominating Committee Chair who will select two other members to serve on this committee. Every attempt will be made to have equitable representation (handicap, age, level of interest) from the general membership within the nominating committee. This committee will select the slate of officers for the following year. No member of the Board shall be a member of the Nominating Committee, nor shall a member of the Nominating Committee be a candidate for any office. In the event of such consideration, the member of the Nominating Committee shall resign and be replaced by an alternate. The slate of officers shall be presented to the Board and posted for review by the BWGA membership thirty days prior to the close of the season.


All proposed amendments to the Bylaws must be signed by three members and submitted to the Board for approval. Upon approval, a written notice of the proposed amendment(s) to the Bylaws shall be posted for BWGA members review not less than two weeks prior to a general BWGA meeting. Proposed amendments must be approved by two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular or special BWGA meeting.

Bylaws revised: April 21, 2024 by BWGA Board of Directors