Board and Committees

The BWGA Board is committed to growing the BWGA's membership and participation, all while continuing to move the BWGA forward in a positive direction. If you would like to be more involved, don't hesitate to contact any one of us. 

BWGA Board of Directors

President, Cherry Chu

The President shall preside over all regular and special meetings of the BWGA Board.  She serves as an official representative and liaison to the advisory board of Belmont Country Club.  The President and the Board will choose the chairpersons for the committees by one vote per Board member.  The President shall call special meetings, as she deems necessary.  She has general supervision over all the affairs of the BWGA.  She shall keep the Vice President informed of all operations of the BWGA so that the Vice President may assume that office in the event of a vacancy.

Vice President, Heather Gebhardt

The Vice President acts in the absence of the President and performs duties of that office, as well as assists and cooperates with the Major Tournament Chairman in the scheduling of events of the Association.

Secretary, Randee Feit

The Secretary keeps the minutes of all meetings of the Board and membership meetings.  The Secretary issues such notices as may be required by the by-laws, conducts the correspondence of the BWGA, and keeps its records.  The Secretary ensures the release of all public relations notices.  The Secretary also performs such other duties as may be required by the Board.

Treasurer, Ling Wang

The Treasurer deposits all monies collected by the BWGA, maintains full account of all monies, prepares the budget for the approval of the Board, and reports same to the general membership.  The Treasurer disburses funds as directed by the Board and in accordance with the budget, signs all disbursements for funds, and presents an Annual Report to the BWGA at the October meeting and a final report at the first Board meeting of the newly elected Board. 

Members At Large: Heather Donnelly, Maria Little, Andrea Kammann

The Members at Large supports the Board of Directors. Their duties and responsibilities will vary and will be dependent upon the association's current needs. They will attend all Board meetings in order to stay up to date with the association's activities and to have a clear understanding of the league's goals and plans. They will also be encouraged to participate and share their knowledge in order to inform and educate other members of the Board. Additional duties and responsibilities, such as participation in special projects, overseeing committee activities, or providing mentorship to other members, will be assigned as needed by the Board. 

Committee Chairpersons

The function of each Committee is to assist the Board in carrying out its duties. The Board shall appoint Committee Chairpersons; each Chair serves for a term that coincides with the term of the electing Board. Committee Chairs appoint committee members; each committee should consist of at least two members so that the committee will function when the Chairperson is not available. Committee Chairpersons shall leave complete records, including a final written report of procedures to facilitate the work of the incoming Committee Chairpersons. Committee Chairpersons do not have a vote. They can approach the Board with any issues, concerns or requests. When the committee has golf business, they are required to be present. This includes budget, scheduling, events, tournaments, etc. These issues need to be in writing and given to the President one (1) week before the monthly meeting.

Communications, Jill McNabb

Work directly with the President and The Board to assist with relaying information to membership. This includes, but is not limited to emails, newsletters and flyers. As needed, meet with a Board member and the Belmont marketing team or professional staff to maximize recruitment efforts and to help promote the BWGA. 

Tuesday Rise and Nine, Open Position

Act as the point person for the BWGA to communicate event details and answer questions about this weekly event. Liaise with the Pro Shop for scheduling and scheduling changes, notify membership of any weekly scheduling changes. 

Tuesdays at 2, Andrea Kammann

Act as the point person for the BWGA and the Pro Shop to communicate event details and answer questions about this weekly event. Liaise with the Pro Shop for scheduling and scheduling changes, notify membership of any weekly scheduling changes.

Wednesday 18-hole Play Days, Joyce Knodell

Act as the point person for the BWGA to communicate event details and answer questions about this weekly event. Liaise with the Pro Shop for scheduling and scheduling changes, notify membership of any weekly scheduling changes. Prior to the beginning of the season, determine the weekly schedule of games to be played, along with rules for the game.

Tee to Tavern, Maria Little

Act as the point person for the BWGA to communicate event details and answer questions about this weekly event. Liaise with the Pro Shop for scheduling and scheduling changes, notify membership of any weekly scheduling changes. Each week, determine the format for play and notify participants.

Member-Guest, Belmont Professional Golf and Management Staff

The Board will determine the budget for this event, and work with Professional staff to select and schedule the date for this event. The Member-Guest Chairperson will recruit and establish a committee who will plan and execute this event from start to finish, working within the allotted budget. This includes all details such as selecting the theme, determining the schedule of events, selecting the menu, giveaways, play format, prizes, etc. The Committee Chair will keep the Board apprised of the status and request additional support as needed. The committee members will work directly with the professional staff at Belmont to execute the event.

Birdie Board, Heather Donnelly

Track each member's birdies throughout the season for end-of-year prizes. Audit score cards submissions to verify birdies were earned within the rules and properly verified with a playing partner's signature.

Special Tournaments, Heather Donnelly

Determines tournament formats, and works with Professional staff to schedule dates and tournament and details. Help promote participation of members in all special tournaments.

Interclub Delegates (need one for each Interclub affiliate):

Act as liaison between the BWGA and the external Women's Golf Association, answering questions and providing information to BWGA membership. Attend scheduled meetings, and relay pertinent information from meetings to The Board and BWGA membership. Communicate directly with other Club Delegates to schedule matches or events. Recruit BWGA members to join or participate in Interclub leagues and events. Collect dues and entry fees (when applicable) from our members and coordinate payment to the appropriate association directly or through the BWGA Treasurer. Notify membership of event dates and pertinent information. 

Interclub Alternate Delegate (need one for each Interclub affiliate)

Assists the delegate as needed and acts as the backup to the delegate in all duties and responsibilities.

The BWGA is currently affiliated with these women's golf associations:
  ARFAX: Delegate, Jasmine Nguyen | Alternate, Cherry Chu
  WDCGA (District): Delegate, Ling Wang | Alternate, Cherry Chu
  Career Women's Interclub League: Delegate, Ling Wang | Alternate, Heesun Choi
  Home To Home: Delegate, Heesun Choi | Alternate, Open position