How to choose your kitchen— useful tips!

Buying for the first time or renovating your kitchen is a very important task indeed: our choice will keep us company for many years, improving (or worsening) our home life. For this reason, it is very important to choose our new kitchen well.

But what should we pay attention to in order to make the best choice? Here are some tips that will come in very handy when renewing your furniture!

How to choose your new kitchen

If it's a question of changing your existing kitchen, your choice will certainly be easier: you will probably already have an idea of your needs and the mistakes you made in the past, which you will now try to avoid. But what if it's your first new kitchen?

Don't be in a hurry: haste is the enemy and could make you make the wrong purchase. Take your time visiting different shops and evaluating different proposals and combinations that could best enhance your home and your lifestyle.

Never lose sight of functionality: a kitchen that is beautiful but inconvenient to use could make your life more complicated. Is it worth it?

First of all, it is very important to take the measurements of the space you have available. It is also essential to check where the water and gas connections are located and take measurements of those too. Buying a new kitchen with connections located on the opposite side will entail additional costs for its installation!

Once you have taken the measurements of the kitchen, you can finally dedicate yourself to choosing the one you prefer, compatibly with space, you have available.

The choice of materials

There's no doubt that beautiful kitchen units made of melamine look fantastic. And just like that, you've plenty of more materials that you can choose.

You can find ready-made kitchens on the market at really cheap prices: remember, however, that these models are made of rather poor materials that require special care and attention to increase their durability.

For example, a marble worktop is considerably more expensive than a laminate worktop: while marble is almost eternal (it may break or stain), laminate is sensitive to humidity and heat. Keep in mind that the simple steam emitted by the dishwasher could already be a problem.

Generally, after a few years the hob will be ruined and may need to be replaced, causing you hassle and inconvenience.

The material of the doors and the structure of the kitchen can also make a difference: a kitchen made of solid wood has a longer lifespan and a great advantage. If you want to renovate your kitchen in the future, you might consider painting it in a new color, which is a difficult and time-consuming operation to perform on a laminate kitchen.

Glossy doors, which have become very popular in recent years, have one major drawback: they need to be cleaned and polished often as they will inevitably have unsightly fingerprints on them every day.

For the kitchen table, avoid glass tops: they are very beautiful to look at but at the same time are very delicate. As with polished doors, they should be cleaned often. And if you like to add a touch of color to your kitchen with a pretty vase of flowers placed in the middle of the table, remember to always put a centerpiece under the vase. Despite all this care, the worktop could get scratched!

Have you ever thought about opting for a masonry kitchen? Also, consider this option: a brick kitchen will be practically eternal since it is made of bricks. The great advantage is that you can have it made just the way you want it and customize the doors to your liking. It may cost a lot more, but the savings will be guaranteed by its greater durability.