How About Self-Publishing in Ebook Format?

Have you written a book and wondered about the best way to publish it? If you start to talk to different people about it, you may receive a lot of different responses. Which would be the best way to go? One of the best alternatives is to think about publishing your book as an eBook. Most authors would stop and think about why one would publish eBooks and how to publish an eBook. Let us take a further look at eBook self-publishing.

In this modern era, much more than at any time in the past, authors are offered many different book publishing possibilities that have never existed in the past. And this is certainly not to understate the time and effort that authors have to put in to receive recognition, to write wonderful books, and to generate a full-time livelihood from their desire to express their own thoughts.

Nevertheless, due to recent advancements in technology and the Internet, these days authors can get their books distributed a great deal faster and easier than they could ten years ago. Whether you're writing fantasy books or some based on traditional things, you could easily get them published as digital version and distributed easily through platforms like, and so on.

Today, about the most popular way that authors are using to distribute their efforts, is in digital format by means of eBooks. eBooks are increasing in popularity so much that even some of the most well-known authors in the world are nowadays using it to distribute their own works. For example, Stephen King published his story “Riding the Bullet” exclusively in eBook format.

In fact, it is not just big name authors who are finding success with their eBooks. Numerous first-time authors are often amazed with the success of their eBook sales. One of the most recent examples is that of Amanda Hocking, who sold over 2 million of her eBooks that she self-published on Amazon’s Kindle platform. In case you are not sure how to publish an eBook online, the eBook publishing sites usually provide you with a lot of help and guidance, and of course, you can get a lot of information from our website. Amanda Hocking’s case just shows that publishing an eBook yourself is not rocket science and almost anyone with a little computer skills and Internet-savvy should be able to do it successfully.

The sad truth is that in this day and age, eBooks are still frowned upon by many authors who have not as of yet made the effort to uncover the successes within the digital publishing industry. As an illustration, while the traditional publishing industry is growing at the slow rate of less than 5% per annum, the digital publishing industry is rapidly expanding at rates ranging from 30% to 50% per annum, which simply means that the opportunities inside the the digital publishing industry are becoming a lot more significant.

Considering the aforementioned cases, it is quite easy to notice that for the first time eBooks do make a great deal of good sense for authors. In addition, the risk related to the publishing of an eBook is considerably lower than it is with the distribution of a soft cover or hard cover printed book, because you do not have to keep any inventory with eBooks. Furthermore, eBook authors keep virtually all of their own profits, as opposed to traditional publishing, which offers much lower royalty rates to authors.

At the very least, publishing an eBook online is something worthwhile to consider by every author. While eBooks may not totally replace traditional printed books, they definitely are increasing in popularity at a pace that should make all writers pause to give thought to how they would be able to use eBooks to their own advantage.