Brochure Printing – How to Take Advantage of the Different Options Available

If you are running a small business or selling a physical product then brochure printing plays a very important role in helping you describe your product in full detail, to give the customer a better idea both through high-quality color images and also through specific copy.

High-quality brochures will speak a thousand words about your products or services, highlighting the major highlights through full-color images and giving your business that professional look. The more attractive your brochure looks, the more places it will travel without even needing your intervention and thus helping spread the word about your business.

Naturally, people are attracted to things that are aesthetically pleasing – many people catch themselves looking through catalogs, brochures or magazines at products they would never even use or look at otherwise, simply because the images are appealing and the image pops out at us. We become interested in something we might not have been before!

When you decide to print brochures to promote your products or services, there are usually a ton of options available to you. You can select different paper and card stocks, sizes, and even different folding options. Many people just get confused by all of these options when ordering brochures online, but if you think through this, you can be very effective with the right choice!

Think about a menu for instance at a restaurant – usually, each section of the menu is broken up by page. So you might have Breakfast on one page and then Lunch on the next, followed by dinner. This is done so that you aren’t confused when you sit down and open the menu, you can quickly see the options available to you by selecting the page that corresponds with the meal you are about to eat. You rarely ever will see one meal start on one page and carry onto another if you do that menu was poorly laid out!

When laying out your products or services you should break them down the same way. So for this example, I will use a cable and internet provider that is laying out a brochure for to talk about their two services. The fact that they have two services that will be highlighted means we will start with a brochure that has at least 2 main panels (bi-fold brochure).

They also want to highlight a promotion they are running for the holiday season so that should also get its own panel. This works very well with a bi-fold brochure because you will have the cover to layout a logo and short message for branding and then 3 panels to highlight your two services and the holiday promotion on the back panel.

When laying out each panel make sure to include an image that visually depicts what that panel is discussing. Don’t go into too much depth with your copy either, keep it simple and to the point and space things out so that your customers can quickly browse through it and get an idea of what you offer.

Talk benefits, not features!

Discuss the benefits of your product or service and don’t get too technical with features.

So, in short, if you are ever wondering how to do a brochure – just keep these tips in mind and you will be golden. For size, you will want to think about how much room you will need to list out any bullets, copy, and images on those panels. If you are questioning the amount of room and the spacing, go with a bigger size.