Alignment to CEFR

It has become apparent that the English curriculum that was written in 2001 and revisited in 2014 should be aligned with international standards. Since the publication of a position paper regarding the application of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference: Standards for Language Learning, Teaching and assessment) to English instruction and evaluation chaired by prof. Ofra Inbar and Dr. Tziona Levi in March 2017, the work on the alignment of the English Curriculum with these standards has been targeted. To meet this aim, a professional committee has been formed chaired by Dr. Lisa Amdur and Dr. Elisheva Barkon working on localising international language teaching and assessment standards to suit the Israeli learning context in schools. There are three main components in the aligned Curriculum: the can-do statements, the vocabulary (lexical bands) and the grammar. Together these components comprise an integrated, cohesive and comprehensive whole. Now we are ready to start thinking about implementation of the English curriculum and how it will serve as a powerful means to promote English proficiency among learners of all ages and groups.