Week 8: Share your skill

This week, we'd like you to focus on sharing your skill!

Sharing your Skill

Hopefully by now you'll have made a plan for your skills sharing! See below as a reminder for the different skills sharing methods we talked about:

What to include in my Skills Share?

No matter which method you choose, here are something things you probably want to include in your skills share:

  • A list of materials that you need for the activity

  • A step by step guide for your partner to follow

  • If you're doing a poster or a how to guide, it would be great to include pictures!

Here are some examples of videos made by Eilidh and Madeleine to share their skills (please note, its absolutely not necessary to produce something as professional or polished as these - a video taken on your phone works just as well too).

If you need any help with knowing what to do with your skill sharing, please don't hesitate to let us know! Once you have done your skill sharing, please fill in pp.45 and 47 of the Log Book. On p.46 there is a feedback form for you to fill in for the person who teaches you their skill. We'll upload this as a separate document on the Teams site. It would be great if you could fill this in and give it to the person who shared their skill with you.

If you haven't done Part B: Taking Part in the Arts as an Audience Member yet, don't worry, you have until the 16th of April to complete this! Look back at last week's resources for more information on that!