Week 5: Site specific installations

This week we'll be looking at site specific installations: works of art that have been specifically designed for the location they are in. We'll think about how the place a piece of art is situated can change its meaning. For our activity this week, we're going to give you three different locations to choose from: we want you to choose one and draw an artwork that you think would work well in that space.

Introduction to Site Specific Art Work

In the video below, Marga introduces us to what we mean when we talk about a site specific art work and gives us some examples.

This week's activity

For this week's activity, we've given you three sites to choose from:

1) Playfair Library, University of Edinburgh
2) Westside Plaza, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh
3) University of Stirling Campus

We'd like you to choose one of these sites, read the brief below (adapted from real briefs that we use for artists) and, in response to the brief, draw a design for an artwork for the site you have chosen. You can create your design in anyway you want: you can sketch it, produce it digitally, paint it, whatever you prefer!

Please note this activity is not required for the Arts Award so you don't have to do it if you don't have time!

Week 5 Activity Instructions.pdf

Commissioning Artists

Interested in learning more about the process of commissioning artists (hiring them to design a piece of work)? In the video below, Liv Laumenech, Assistant Art Curator at the University of Edinburgh, talks about how she does this.