Bringhurst Math Club

Math Club activities are sponsored by the Lila Bringhurst PTO and CIPCF.  

Math Club Interest Form

Interested?  Eager to Help?  Fill out this form!  

Unless otherwise noted, lead contact for these activities is Katie Chin (katie.e.chin at gmail)  

Math Challenge

Math Challenge Is Back this year!  2023-2024

This is a bi-weekly set of problems that students print out and do at home with their families.   Problem sets are turned into the office.  (K-5)

For more details, go to this page:

Math Challenge

Lead Contact for this activity is  Sharon Young.


An international Math Competition held every year in March.  Bringhurst will be hosting an in-person session after school on Thursday March 21, 2024.

Special Topic Classes held after school 

Prime Exploration for grades 4/5 coming Winter 2024!


                         Sign-up Paused due to a logistical complication (please e-mail katie.e.chin "at" gmail if interested and I'll keep you posted about when it resumes.)

Kindergarten Math Club Starting September/October 2023!

Kindergarten Math Club is an 8-10 week hands-on and full-bodied exploration of math - we play with pattern blocks, cuisnaire rods, toss balls and roll dice, as well as develop number line, logic and visual-spatial skills.   

Parents are asked to volunteer for at least one class so that the kids can rotate through small-group centers. 

Session 2 will be a repeat of many activities from session 1.  Preference given to students who have not yet had a chance to take the class.    

Session 2 Sign-up

Family Math Night

Let's get the ball rolling for January 19, 2024!  

Although the bulk of the activties are chosen and prepped, If you are interested in helping, please e-mail Katie Chin.  

Evening Problem Solving Club (K-4)

  Volunteers work with 3-5 students to solve problems and do other hands on activities in this evening math club.  The focus of the group is on teaching problem solving strategies like Guess and Check, Make an Organized List, Work Backwards, Make a Table, Draw a Picture, Logical Reasoning and so on.  Math Kangaroo problems from levels 1-4 are frequently used as examples.  

Curriculum is available, but this activity is in need of someone who can lead the evening activities. 

(Last offered school year 2018-2019)


MathCON Sample Practice Tests (Scroll to the bottom of the Page)

      A math competition for grades 4-5 held in winter.  Participants can access 16 weekly practice tests leading up to the compeition.   

Interested?   Please fill out the Math Club Interest form.

last offered @ Azevada 2018-2019

A Math competition for 6th-8th grade students.

Crazy 8 Math Club

A free evening math club for elementary schoolers.   This one has lots of fun and goofy activities and props. 

(last offered 2019-2020)

last offered (2017-2018)

A monthly Math Competition held November to March for 4th to 6th grade students.

Other Activities

and Resources

Coming Soon