Easter in Catalunya

Our Easter Time Infographic.pdf

El Ejido students' mediation tasks

Task 1

Hi friends,

We've read about Easter traditions during the Holy week in Catalunya. We have in common some of them like "La Palma" in which devotees take olive tree brunches to church to bless them. Moreover, they also have processions representing the death and resurrection of Jesus.

But they have another interesting celebration where five skeletons move to the percussion rhythm called "Dance of the Death". However, our favourite is "La mona de Pasqua", an Easter dessert. If you like chocolate, it is a must.

It sounds great, isn't it?

See you!

Nivel Intermedio B1 - Semipresencial

Task 2

Hi friends,

We want to tell you about the Holy Week in Catalunya. The first event is on Palm Sunday when people take palms to church. After that, they have different processions like on Maundy Thursday in which skeletons get around the city dancing. At the end of Easter the children receive a typical cake from their Godfathers and they eat it the next day.

We hope you like this.

See you!

Nivel Intermedio B1 - B

Task 3

Hi friends,

We have similar traditions during Easter time like Palm Leaves, Processions and Passion. The Dance of the Death is a performance of five dancing skeletons in Verges' streets on Maundy Thursday. On Easter Sunday godchildren receive a pie with a chocolate sculpture on the top that used to be a boiled egg with the shape of famous characters and it's called "La mona de Pasqua". Children eat it on Easter Monday that is a day off in Catalunya to be with dear people.

Take care and happy Easter!

Nivel Intermedio B1 - C

Task 4

Dear friends,

We will tell you about Catalunya Easter time. There are four main events. Fisrtly, on Palm Sunday people carry palms leaves. Secondly, in Verges the skeletons' procession is traditional. Thirdly, a lot of villages celebrate the Passion of Christ and finally people with their family celebrate Easter pie day where they eat a traditional sweet.

See you soon!

Nivel Intermedio B1 - C