Hello Sixth Grade Families!

All Sixth Graders can join Band

Everyone can experience beginning band! Joining is easier and more affordable than you may think. Instrument rental programs help make quality instruments accessible. Rehearsals are during the school day to eliminate scheduling conflicts.  

Why Join Band?

It’s fun playing music together as a team! Students learn how to read music, play their instrument, rehearse, practice, perform, and develop self-discipline. These skills help in junior high band as well as enhance other areas of life. Now is the time! It’s hard to catch up later.  Don't worry if your child doesn't know how to read music, I will teach them everything they know to be successful. We start off with how to read music and basic music theory. Once students have instruments, we learn how to put the instrument together, how to hold it, how to make a sound and play different notes, how to clean it, and how to put it together.

Picking an Instrument

Don't worry if your child doesn't know what they want to play yet. I don't want to rush them in picking which instrument they love. You can help them by watching YouTube videos together, checking out CDs from the library, or attending some local concerts. A successful experience includes playing an instrument you love that plays well. I’m happy to help you pick the best instrument for your child. Most beginning band students play flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, or percussion (Snare Drum, Bass Drum, and Bell Set.) Percussionists must try out and should wait to purchase until they have shown me they can keep a steady beat and read basic rhythms. I suggest picking an instrument you love.

Already own a band instrument that hasn’t been played in awhile?

I can look it over to make sure that it is in working order or take it to a music repair shop. Music stores are busy, busy, busy, so make sure to take it in as soon as possible.

Looking to purchase a new or used instrument?

Contact me before you buy. If the deal is too good to be true, it often is. There are many good deals, but it’s hard to be sure. Instruments can be cheap, but not be of quality, need hundreds of dollars of work, or be beyond repair.

How do I join?

I meet with all 5th graders to talk about band in June. The last few weeks of the year are designed to help students decide on what instrument they want to play and answer questions. We officially start band class with instruments in the fall. All students should have instruments by September 7th. Students will get a band handbook (outlining expectations) and a band contract to sign. Band is a full year commitment.

To register your child, it's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Have your child visit our website: https://www.bepartofthemusic.org/group/index.php?id=4949

2. Have them watch the instrument demonstration videos and take the aural skills assessment.

3. Choose their instrument and hit submit.

I will be in touch after that


You will find my links for my different classes, band paperwork (Band Information Letter, Band Handbook, and Band Contract) , and 6th Grade Band resources listed in the navigation menu in the top right hand corner.

Contact Me Anytime

Email is the best way to contact me: dmolands@breckhuskies.org