Grading Format

Classroom Participation    20%

Three minutes after the tardy bell will be allotted for preparation for class. Rehearsal preparation means always having a working instrument, all appropriate related materials (reeds, mallets, sticks, mutes and/or oil), music, and general responsibility.  All students should be seated and ready to participate in rehearsal following the first three minutes of class. This portion is earned on a weekly basis.

Classroom Assignments & Quizzes    25%

Classroom grades may consist of, but not be limited to, playing tests, reviewing rating sheets, journals or portfolios, reports, worksheets relating to performance music, and individual or group assessment assignments.  Quizzes, while infrequent, will test student’s individual theoretical knowledge and musical abilities. 

Out of Class Assignments    25%

While a great deal of growth occurs during class, it is the structured experiences outside the classroom that will truly enhance a musician’s growth.  Weekly practice records catalog progress and time spent on music and studies for class.  

Concerts    30%

Our performances are our tests.  They are a natural outgrowth of our music classroom.  While band class does not solely exist for the sake of performance, music is a listening art.  Therefore, the greatest musical satisfaction is when performers know their music has reached an audience.  For this reason, we schedule a concert performance once per quarter that serves as a demonstration of their accomplishments.  Due to the limited number of concerts in contrast to the number of games, athletic contests are not considered excused absences for concerts.

Band Uniforms

Students need only wear their best outfit for our concerts.

Try to avoid the following things:  black denim jeans, skirts, leggings. capris, or athletic pants appropriate for performances. No prints or patterns.


We are the future of the Breckenridge Bands

While in separate grades, this band meets as one class during the school day. This class serves as the preparatory ensembles for the high school bands.  Quality, ability-level appropriate literature is performed while maintaining student interest in musical achievement.    

​Performances, including concerts and Festival, are considered a natural outgrowth of the school day activity.

Students who have not enrolled in Beginning Band must speak with Mr. Molands before joining.  This is to ascertain interest and placement within the ensemble, not to discourage participation.

Remind Instructions

Text your code to 81010


Practice Tips

Here are some helpful tips on how to practice at home:

Focus on primary objectives: posture, tone, intonation (being in tune), rhythm, technique

Consistent time each day builds good habits and a routine​

Look up fingerings/slide positions/notes you don't know in your method book

Slow down: practice it slowly to master the passage or goal.  Then speed up to performance tempo slowly

Chunking: select and isolate one rhythm, pitch, measure or group of measures to work on and master in each practice session

Repetition: playing something correctly 5 or 6 times may be all it takes to master

Alter the articulations or the rhythmic pattern to fix the fingering/position pattern in your mind - then play as written

Practice with a Friend: work as a team - it can make the time pass faster, build camaraderie and enhance each other's strengths and bolster your areas for improvement

Music Apps:  there are free apps available - metronome, tuner and recorders - that can enhance your practice sessions.

Metronome - keeps a steady pulse especially at slower speeds to focus on fluency

Tuner - make sure every pitch is spot on, especially as you extend your range

Recorder - sometime hearing yourself play can be the biggest help of all

Concert Agenda

​​45 min prior to concert: Students report

Set-up band seating 

Get instrument out and gently play your music

Tune with Mr Molands or HS students

Move to HS Gym when directed

​2 min prior to concert: Students in HS Gym

End of Concert

​Please help by taking equipment, chairs & stands back to band room 

Music Program Handbook.docx.pdf