Internships and Work Experience


The Sadie Collective 2020- present

The Sadie Collective is a non-profit organization aimed to increase the number of Black women entering Economics and related fields. We host virtual events throughout the year as well as an annual conference at the Urban Policy Institute.

· Manage relationships with job recruiters seeking to hire Collective members in their anti-racism efforts

· Create and disseminate newsletters to members regarding job and training opportunities

· Teach a course on discrimination for the SC high school clubs

New York University Economic Research Analyst/ Assistant 2016-2018

NYU hosts the PhD Excellence Initiative which trains students of color in research, economics, and mathematics prior to their entrance into doctoral programs

· Managed a variety of macroeconomic research projects under Dr. Peter Henry related to labor market trends in the U.S., Sub-Saharan Africa, and the European Union

· Managed organization of summer workshop

Intern, The Coca Company Summer 2015

· Interviewed employees regarding their experiences in their teams, including their perceptions of racial dynamics within the workplace and their psychological effects