Become a Leader

Scouting is dynamic and fun. As a Leader, you will help to provide self development to young people through challenging, adventurous, achievement-oriented, teamwork and leadership-based experiences.

Scouting provides adults with an opportunity to lead and gain satisfaction working with young people and other adults; to make a direct positive impact on your local community and on the lives of young people.

Benefits of being a Leader

The benefits of becoming a volunteer Leader are limitless. They include:

  • Make new friends

  • Stay fit and healthy

  • Gain self confidence

  • Travel nationally and internationally

  • Learn new skills such as abseiling, canoeing, flying and gliding

  • Earn proficiency badges

  • Undertake leadership and development training

  • Attend statewide training workshops such as the Konara, Seeonie and Mindari

  • Perform in a Gang Show

  • Join a formal peer network such as Scout Fellowship

Options for being a Leader

  • become a Leader of Joeys, Cubs, Scouts or Venturers.

  • one night a week for group meetings during school term time.

  • Group activities (e.g. hikes or camping trips) on a few weekends a year.

  • monthly meeting of Leaders.

  • become an Activity Leader if you have a special interest in adventurous activities such as abseiling or water activities.

  • later, become involved in training and leading adults

What training do I do?

Leaders undertake Basic and Advanced training in working with young people, learning the basics of Scouting, leadership, safety and program planning. Training usually takes place during weekends.

Leaders also undertake training to complete Advanced Training in three years.

Depending on training Leaders do, they could be awarded a nationally recognised Certificate III, IV or Diploma. This can give Leaders some advance standing in certain further education courses and employment opportunities Australia-wide.

How much does it cost?

  • It is free if you meet your weekly Scouting commitment.

  • Training is free.

  • You must buy your own Leader shirt.

  • For major events such as Jamborees you may be asked to contribute to costs.

  • For some activities you may want to purchase (or borrow) equipment.