How to join


This process is online, please go to our registration page:


Scouts NSW have recently introduced a new platform for member registration and billing, and it’s called ScoutHub. 

This platform combines your Group fees and State fees into one easy payment! 

For new members click on the New Member tab, enter your child’s details and you will be directed to a page with two options:

Option 1 is full membership for a year (with payment required upfront). It will require you to pay the Scouts NSW membership and our Group fee. If you are joining Scouts for the first time there is a one-time joining fee of $60 plus an annual Scouts NSW membership fee of $280, which includes personal accident and public liability insurance cover.

Option 2 is temporary membership- this option allows you to trial Scouts for 6 days (you will need to select these dates, which can be done in consultation with the Leaders, and can include weekend activities) and then you can upgrade to a full membership, once you decide that Scouts is for your child. Follow the prompts and complete the pages. Trial membership is free.


You will also be required to purchase the required Scout shirt (for either Joeys, Cubs, Scout or Venturers - these can be purchased from the Scout Shop, click on this link:, and we provide the badges (for the family to sew onto the shirt), the scarf and the woggle. 

Navy pants/shorts (Joeys, Cubs and Scouts), tan pants/shorts (Venturers), enclosed shoes must be worn.

There is no need to buy a shirt until you are sure you want to proceed and are ready to be invested into the group.


Scouts NSW is proud to be a provider of the NSW Government's Active Kids rebate.

All Active Kids vouchers redeemed with Scouts NSW will go towards the cost of the State Membership Fee, ensuring families who want their children to enjoy the Scout program can send their children to Scouts. 

Active Kids Vouchers are valued at $50 and will be available twice a year, starting from February 2024. Families who receive Family Tax Benefit part A/B will be eligible to apply for the vouchers. These vouchers are to be redeemed via the ScoutHub portal at time of online registration and before payment.

For more information visit:


If you are interested in becoming a Leader, think of the financial benefits. 

Leaders with children in the Group will receive fee discounts in appreciation of the hard work and time that they put into supporting our youth. The discount code will be given to Leaders when required.

For more information talk to our Treasurer or Kaa.

Our Group is continuing to grow, which is a sign of how successful our Group is. 

The growth of youth and families means we need to grow our group of Leaders to ensure continued smooth and safe operation of our group. 

If you are interested, or know someone outside the Group, who might like to be a Leader please contact Kaa for more information. 

All Leaders are fully supported in their training from within the Group and District.


Our meetings are held on the last Tuesday every second month, from 5.30pm at the hall.

All are welcome to attend, and we encourage you to join us for a coffee and some cake and a chance to help with the continued success of our Group.

In appreciation of the hard work that our Committee members do, we are offering fee discounts for their children in our Group. 

Committee member must  hold a position on our Group Support Committee. The discount code will be given to committee members when required.


We ask that adults please accompany youth members into the hall or to the activity each week, 

and that adults enter the hall or go to the activity to collect their youth members.

Youth members must wear uniform (including scarf) and enclosed shoes. 

We encourage youth to wear a hat and bring a drink bottle.

We need regular help with general cleaning of the hall on a weekly basis. 

We usually have a quick clean up at the end of Thursday nights. Many hands make light work.

If you are interested in attending please show up to one of the 1st Braidwood scouting sessions and introduce yourself to the leaders. 

If you have any other questions please email