Reverend Yuce Kabakci
Church Office
Usually Wednesday - 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon - Can people please make appointments if they wish to come into the office.
Holy Cross
Skellingthorpe Road
Tel: 01522 686527
Please use these contact details when booking the church hall facilities which include both a small and large hall, disabled access and kitchen facilities.
Church Wardens:
Sue Whitelaw 07517 674998
Parish e-Newsletter: To sign up for the electronic newsletter, please click here.
Website Editor:
Our Commitment on Safeguarding
All church officers aim to respect children, young people and vulnerable adults and promote well being. They strive to create and maintain environments that are safe, that prevent abuse and that create nurturing and caring conditions for all.
If you are at risk or you’re concerned that someone you know is at risk, is being abused or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from the church’s Safeguarding Officer on 07394 464019.
Parish Safeguarding Officer:
m: 07394 464019 e: