A funeral is used to mark the end of a person's life here on earth. Family and friends come together to express grief, give thanks for the life lived and commend the person into God's keeping. These can be a small, quiet ceremony or a large occasion in a packed church.
Everyone is entitled to a funeral service in their local Parish Church regardless of whether they attended church or not. If you would like to find out about a funeral at Holy Cross or St. Helen’s please contact us.
The funeral service takes place at one of the Parish Churches where your loved one will be commended to God. The burial will take place at the local cemetery where a short service by the grave side is held, as your loved one’s mortal remains are committed to the earth. Unfortunately, the cemetery at St. Helen’s Church Yard is now closed, unless you have an existing family grave located there.
Today, it is quite common for many funerals to be held at the crematorium. This does not mean you can not have a religious ceremony led by your Parish Priest or Assistant Curate. You may choose to have the funeral service in church, with a shorter service at the crematorium or if you wish the whole ceremony to be held at the crematorium, this can be easily arranged.
The cemetery at St. Helen’s church yard has a garden of remembrance for the interment of ashes or if you have an existing family grave you may choose to have your love ones ashes interred there instead. If you wish, it can be arranged for a short service to be held at the garden of remembrance or at the graveside, as the ashes are interred.
Organising the Funeral
On contacting the Parish to arrange the funeral, Revd. Canon Osbourne will visit bereaved relatives/friends to make arrangements and to organise the service. It is our hope that the funeral be very personal, a thanksgiving for the life of the deceased as well as a farewell and a commendation of your loved one to God.
In the time immediately following the death of a loved one the deceased is prayed for within the Sunday Services and throughout the week. Your loved ones name can also be included in the memorial book which is kept at the back of Holy Cross Church. Please contact the Parish office for a form, if you would like to have your love ones name added to the book.
‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted’
Gospel of Matthew 5:4
'I am the resurrection and the life,' says the Lord; 'those who believe in me, even though they die shall live: and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.'
Gospel of John 11:25-26
After the Funeral and Bereavement Support
People who have lost someone close to them are often so busy with practical details and arrangements, between the death and the funeral, that they do not experience the full sense of their loss until later.
Grieving is a natural and important part of coming to terms with and healing a loss. It may continue for many months. As a Parish we offer support to the bereaved through our services of prayer and remembrance (the evening of the second Sunday of every month) and through our annual memorial services, to which you will receive an invitation.
You are also invited to visit Holy Cross Church, where we have candles that you can light in memory of your loved one. These are situated at the back of the church next to the book of remembrance. When the church is open, you may also wish to spend a little time of quiet reflection in the Church after lighting your candle, please feel free to do so.
If you need further bereavement support please don’t hesitate to contact us and we would be pleased to meet with you.