Symbols of Baptism


A sign of the cross is made on the forehead of those being baptised with special oil which has been consecrated (blessed) by the bishop. This symbolic action is used to mark those who are to be baptised, with an invisible badge, to show that they belong to God.


The Baptism itself is done by the minister pouring water three times over the persons head. Water is symbolic of washing and cleansing. In baptism sins are washed away and the person is born into a new life as a follower of Jesus.


The Easter candle (or Paschal candle as it is known), which is the largest candle you will find in the church, is lit at the beginning of a service of Baptism. This special candle is lit every year for the first time on Easter morning. This is to symbolise Jesus, the light of the world, rising to life from death. A candle is lit from the Easter candle and presented to the newly baptised. This is done as a symbol of the beginning of their new life as a Christian and as a reminder of their commission to share God’s love with those who they meet.