X-Cel Education

HiSET/GED and College Prep

X-Cel Education improves economic opportunity in underserved Greater Boston neighborhoods through accessible, individualized and free high school equivalency education, post-secondary preparation and career-readiness development. X-Cel’s program initiatives include HiSET preparation classes, post-secondary preparation and support, X-Cel Conservation Corps wastewater career training, and bridge classes to prepare unemployed adults for success in career training programs. All X-Cel programs focus on attaining racial economic equity.


Build Note-Taking Skills Using a Word Processor App

X-Cel Education

TAGS: #WordProcessor #GoogleDocs #XCelEducation

WHAT | Learners create a text document for taking notes.

Learners use a word processor app to take notes during class and may use any font or text style they like. They are strongly encouraged to use the different tools that help organize their notes, such as the highlight, bold, italic, and underline tools. 

WHY | Develop workforce skills, organizational skills, and digital literacy.

Not only will students learn how to organize their class notes, but they will also be building skills in text documents which will undoubtedly help them in the workplace. Text documents are frequently used in a work environment, so having strong base skills in using a text document is important. Lastly, students will be able to build basic typing skills.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Docs: Students will access Google Docs on their laptop and create a new document; students will then use this document to take notes during class. Be sure to have them put the date in the title of the document. Have instructors model and encourage the use of formatting tools. Students will tag their instructor to notify them so the instructor can check it at the end of class. 

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Conduct a Digital Literacy Pre-Assessment with Students

Boston Uncornered, JVS - Bridges to College and Careers, Rian Immigrant Center, Suffolk County Sheriff's Department, X-Cel Education

TAGS: #DigitalLiteracy #Assessment #GoogleForms #BostonUncornered #JVSBoston #RianImmigrantCenter #XCelEducation #SCSD

WHAT | One effective way to understand the digital literacy levels of learners is to conduct a pre-assessment: Once the results are collected, they can be analyzed to identify the areas that require attention. By understanding the learners' needs early on, we can effectively move forward and provide them with the support they need to succeed. Assessments may be administered upon intake using the Northstar Digital Literacy platform (paper or digital), custom-made Google Forms, or other resources that work for the agency.

WHY | As educators, we strive to save learners' time by identifying their specific needs and crafting our edtech routines accordingly: Our goal is to assess and build digital literacy skills for students, providing additional support where needed to help them achieve their education goals and/or transition smoothly to higher education or the workforce. Assessing digital literacy skills can motivate students to improve their academic skills and reduce anxiety and frustration during instruction by empowering students with the knowledge to use digital platforms.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Forms: During the intake/orientation process, new students are provided information about and access to a pre-assessment to self-assess their digital literacy skills. Students log into the pre-assessment and review the directions with instructors and staff. Students then answer questions that determine their digital literacy and knowledge of the platforms and programs they will use within the program. This may include, but is not limited to: Zoom, Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Docs, Moodle, Chat (WhatsApp), Canvas, navigating college websites and financial aid websites, and more.

The students are given a time limit to answer the pre-assessment questions. At the end of the allotted time, students will be given an opportunity to review their answers with instructors. Instructors will review the answers as a team and determine which students need additional digital literacy support as they begin their classes. Digital literacy instruction will be integrated across subject areas with a focus on improving technological skills with formative assessments, goal setting, and a final summative assessment.

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Track Student Weekly Performance Using Spreadsheets

X-Cel Education

TAGS: #Spreadsheets #GoogleSheets #XCelEducation

WHAT | Use spreadsheets for attendance, study hours, and progress tracking.

Learners use an online spreadsheet to mark their attendance, log study hours, and track progress. Progress tracking may include class notes, links to content, and/or other evidence that works for the learner. 

WHY | Self-Monitoring and digital literacy

By setting up a spreadsheet to help learners keep track of their attendance, study hours, and what they learn in class each week, the students are given the chance to build base skills and comfort with spreadsheets. They will also be able to use their spreadsheet to help them review something they learned in class if the need arises.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Sheets: The instructor will guide students through the process of creating a spreadsheet. Students will then access their individual spreadsheets at the end of the class sessions and log their attendance, hours, or time spent, along with evidence of learning for that day. Students will tag their instructor to notify them so the instructor can check it; once checked, this can be used as an exit ticket.

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Using a Discussion Board to Foster Inquiry and Collaboration

X-Cel Education

TAGS: #DiscussionBoard #Collaboration #GoogleClassroom #XCelEducation

WHAT | Assign a weekly class-wide question through a discussion board.

Once a week, learners will engage in a class-wide discussion based on a weekly question assigned to them. They can either discuss with each other what the correct/best answer is to the question, or they can give their own personal answer and explain why they chose that answer. 

WHY | Helps with confidence when working in groups and learning new material.

Over time students will be more comfortable sharing their ideas with others and gain more confidence speaking in groups. They also will be able to learn new material and see different perspectives depending on the topic of the weekly question.  

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Classroom: Have students join your Google Classroom. Post a question for them once a week at the same time and day each week. Ask them to respond to the initial prompt and then respond to at least two of their fellow classmates' answers. Example: Instructor posts on Sunday. The students have until Wednesday to respond to the prompt and until Friday to respond to two other students. 

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):