Edtech Strategy Routine Library

A Project of the DigLit Initiative, City of Boston

The DigLit Initiative is a multi-year capacity-building project that supports adult education providers in delivering quality digital literacy skill training and technology integration in adult education programs.

Instructor in computer lab pointing at a student's screen.

The ultimate goal of technology integration is to use tech tools effectively for teaching and learning, making it a regular part of education rather than a separate subject. 

From February to September 2023, twenty-five adult education programs in Boston worked with World Education coaches to develop creative practices to effectively integrate technology into instruction. Used routinely, these program and instructional practices, or Edtech Routines, provide adults with structured opportunities to enhance their digital skills and confidence to be empowered users of technology.

This Edtech Strategy Routine Library contains more than 70 EdTech Routines developed by Boston Programs to support digital resilience in their learners. These EdTech Routines are organized into 14 categories, and you can explore them all here

Learn more about the EdTech Integration Strategy Toolkit by World Education here.

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