Labouré Adult Education Center

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

Labouré Adult Education is a community that helps adult immigrants acclimate to the U.S. culture, develop English language proficiency, and build a future.

There are 5 levels of ESOL instruction offered, distance learning, and college and career counseling and guidance. The classes, taught by trained staff, are designed to help you meet your educational, personal, economic, and social goals.

Classes are free of charge. The program offers morning and evening classes.


Collect and Organize Professional and Educational Experience using Resume Template 

Labouré Adult Education Program

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #WordProcessing #ResumeTemplate #Laboure

WHAT |Live Resume Template: Learners will access and begin filling out or collecting the content necessary for creating a resume using a template. The template will be saved and constantly added to as the student language-related lessons cover topics such as demographic information, educational experience, and work-related experience. 

WHY | Updating documents: While students are learning skills, such as past tense descriptions of previous experience or the skill of summarizing, they will be constantly making contributions or modifying content to a live resume template, helping them make the connection that their learning is applicable to their lives. They will see that a resume is a living document that can be updated to reflect new goals and experiences. Students will also include transferable skills that they have attained previously that may open up unrecognized job opportunities. 

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Templates: As a component of accessing digital organizational tools, students will be shown how to find templates in Google Docs and Word. They will select a resume template and learn how to save it and add to it as a live document. Information will be added to this document as the lessons progress through content areas such as demographics, descriptions of past experiences, and expressing objective goals. Students will save the form on their Chromebooks or smartphones so that it can be easily accessed when filling out applications and when submitting resumes for real job search. 

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Creating and Completing an Online Form for Self-reflection and Course Feedback 

Labouré Adult Education Program

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #ProgramPractice #Assessment #Survey #GoogleForms #Laboure

WHAT | Create Online Form: As a class project, students create reflection questions to use in an online survey form.  The questions allow them to reflect on their own participation, study skills, executive functioning, etc.  They also have the opportunity to provide student feedback to the teacher on activities they enjoyed, did not enjoy, and suggestions for future classes, etc. 

WHY | Optional blurb: Learners can foster self-efficacy, self-regulation and ownership for their learning and the class when they participate in creating the questions they will use for self-reflection and course feedback. 

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Forms:  Along with the teacher, students create questions they deem to be important for success and self-reflection in the classroom.  They also create questions to give feedback on the course.  Types of questions and intent can be discussed (scale, multiple choice, open-ended, etc.) 

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Evaluate Online Sources for Reliability

Labouré Adult Education Center

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #ProgramPractice #Internet #OnlineInformationReliability #Laboure

WHAT | Check for reliability of websites: Students will be introduced to online resources that will help them discern the reliability of news, information, and content.

In group work students will look up information concerning current, perhaps controversial topics, and will make determinations about the reliability of the source using a resource from a respected educational source.

WHY | Evaluate Sources: Learning to evaluate websites for reliability fosters personal vigilance over inadvertent access to unreliable or misleading information that abounds in online resources. 

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Online Worksheet:

Students will be given a number of questions to investigate, perhaps current news items or controversial topics, and will work together to find answers or related resources. Working together they will decide whether they think the source is reliable. 

Then, they will use the online information sheet from Bridgewater State University concerning reliability of online resources, called Evaluating Websites: Identifying Fake News Sources (see below).  After working through some of the guidelines of this information page they will re-evaluate their previous determinations. 

This resource will be saved by the student as a reference guide to help them to make informed choices as they look for news and information online for future class assignments and for personal information searches. 

Evaluating Websites: Identifying Fake News Sources

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Reinforce Vocabulary by Creating Image Folders

Labouré Adult Education Program

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #LearningManagementSystem #Google Drive #Laboure

WHAT | Vocabulary Image Folders: Students will create folders on Google Drive containing images of the vocabulary from their unique vocabulary chart which is also on Drive. 

WHY | Reinforce vocabulary using images: This gives students an opportunity to organize their vocabulary and contextualize it to enhance learning for classroom and enrichment activities.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Images & Google Drive: Students will refer to the unique vocabulary list that they have created. They will choose a number of vocabulary words to add to their album. Students will make their album by creating a new folder in their Google Drive and they will title it accordingly. They will search for images online and/or produce their own by taking photos/drawing. They will upload the images to their album and title accordingly. Students will access their album for classroom and enrichment activities: i.e. producing flashcards and using them for study, charades, pictionary, etc. 

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Utilizing the Comments Feature on Word Processing Tools for Peer Feedback and Review

Labouré Adult Education Program

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #WordProcessing #GoogleDocs #Laboure

WHAT | Share Writing for Peer Feedback: Students share their original writing with others to receive feedback via the comments feature on Google Docs. 

WHY | Peer Feedback: Being able to share a digital document with others and create comments, allows for interactive and collaborative writing in the classroom. Peer evaluation and comments allows both the person leaving the comment and the one receiving it to improve their writing and literacy skills as well as to hone their error analysis skills. Teachers can demonstrate to students and teach lessons on the variety of comments one can add, not simply error correction, but focused on a recently learned writing skill, for example. It helps students gain more immediate feedback than when the teacher is the sole commenter.  Peer feedback and revision gives students more perspective and the opportunity to practice essential skills for future projects at school and work. 

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW |  Google Docs: Students learn about the types of comments they can leave and how to do it via direct instruction, modeling, and practice. Students will create their original writing on a Google document.They will share their document with one or more students/staff. Students will use the comment feature to leave comments that can include error correction, stylistic suggestions, and positive reinforcement, i.e. “Great use of a conjunction!” Students read the comments and reply (verbally or written) for further clarification, etc. and make edits accordingly.

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):