Jackson Mann Community Center

Adult Basic Education

The Jackson Mann Adult Education Program offers six ESOL classes and two High School Equivalency classes. The ESOL classes are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. The HSE classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. We are located at 500 Cambridge Street in Allston.


Build a Visual Lexicon (Picture Dictionary) Using a Slideshow Maker

Jackson Mann Community Center

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #Presentation #GoogleSlides #JMCC

WHAT: To help recall and retain new vocabulary words, learners will create their own picture dictionary using Google Slides. Teachers will provide a list of vocabulary words, and learners will choose additional vocabulary words or phrases they have learned in class, search for images that correspond to each word's meaning, and create slides containing a word or phrase and one or more images.

WHY: By creating visual representations, learners can reinforce connections to their existing knowledge of recently learned vocabulary words and increase retention of information in long-term memory.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Slides: At the end of a unit, have students list vocabulary words they learned (or provide them a list). Show students how to search for images on Google. Students will search for pictures that represent the words on their vocabulary list. They will copy those images and paste them on a Google Slide. Show students how to insert text and add the vocabulary words to their slides. Each slide should have at least one word and one picture. 

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Increase Student Engagement by Teaching Students How to Navigate Burlington English through Video Tutorials

Jackson Mann Community Center

TAGS: #ProgramPractice #LearningSoftware #VideoTutorials #JMCC

WHAT: During student orientation (first day of class), learners will be introduced to Burlington English and learn how to navigate the platform. They will watch tutorials covering basic navigation of the website and receive F2F instructional support. They will also learn how to access Burlington English on different devices, such as desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones.

WHY: Ensuring students are correctly onboarded into Burlington English is likely to increase student engagement (usage time) of the application. Our end goal is to have students use BE independently for asynchronous learning in addition to their traditional classroom time. 

If students are comfortable navigating Burlington English, they will also be more likely to take advantage of the hundreds of courses available to them, as well as e-books. All these extra study opportunities will positively impact student learning and likely accelerate their language acquisition process. 

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Burlington English video tutorials: During in-person orientation*, students will access the Burlington English website with the help of an instructor to watch the Student Tutorials. The following tutorials are essential for students who have never used the platform before:

Each of these tutorials will total approximately 6 minutes. The tutorials will teach students how to download the app on their phones for future use outside the classroom. 

*At the beginning of the school year, in-person orientation is done inside the classroom (with teachers and volunteers present). After that, all new students who join (due to open enrollment) attend orientation before going to their first class. This orientation is done with small groups of students, of different levels, in a classroom setting. 

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Reflect on Learning Points as a Class Using an Online Bulletin Board

Jackson Mann Community Center

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #Collaborative #Padlet #JMCC

WHAT: Students collectively summarize and review all the content they have learned during a unit or module in a classroom Padlet.

WHY: Having a moment to collectively summarize content learned gives learners an opportunity to gain more awareness of their learning process. Using Padlet as a tool ensures all learners in the group have a “voice” and can actively participate. Unlike a teacher eliciting from students what they learned and writing it on the board, the Padlet will allow students to add topics themselves directly to the final work. Also, this creates an opportunity to conduct self-assessments, which makes learners more aware of their strengths and areas for growth. Self-assessments also support the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills. By utilizing the Padlet, students will have the opportunity to reflect on their learning, as well as assess their own progress. 

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Padlet: At the end of a unit or module, create a Padlet and share it with the class. Insert prompts to the Padlet that students can add to. Prompts can be around topics covered, such as grammar points or vocabulary words, and prompts focused on the student experience, such as “the hardest part” or “the easiest part,” “what I need to practice more.” “when/where I’m going to use this,” etc.

(If you are new to Padlet, check out this 10-minute tutorial for teachers.)

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):