Gardner Pilot Academy

Adult Education Program

The Gardner Pilot Academy‘s ESOL program advocates learning through investigation while building skills for independence and life-long learning. The program challenges students to set and meet personal education goals. It is designed to develop students’ oral communication, as well as reading and writing skills.


Explore the Internet with Online Expeditions

Gardner Pilot Academy Adult Education Program

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #Internet #GoogleSearch #GPA

WHAT | Students explore the internet on online expeditions with particular goals defined by instructors and based on class and textbook themes such as apartment or job hunting, furniture shopping, car shopping, etc.

WHY | Learning Internet Searches and Perusal: Students will learn, practice and improve their internet search skills in a context that is relevant to and useful in their lives. Searching on the internet with specific goals hones their search skills; interpreting the information found helps with their discernment of online information. Students will become more proficient at digitally obtaining the information they need in their daily lives.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Search: Instructors will select a specific thematic subject for the lesson, such as searching for housing. Instructors will preview the lesson with a discussion on how students have located appropriate housing previously. Instructors should also discuss the possibilities of online fraud with students. Instructors will then give students a specific assignment, such as “Find your dream home somewhere in Massachusetts'' or “Find an apartment you could move into”. Instructors will start students with a particular search engine, perhaps Google search, and suggestions for specific websites, such as or Facebook Marketplace. Instructors will supervise as students complete this online expedition.

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Learn English Using a Language Learning App

Gardner Pilot Academy Adult Education Program

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #LearningSoftware #ELLII #GPA

WHAT | Students will learn how to use a digital language learning app.

WHY | This routine will help students learn to use a learning app so they can continue and expand their studies outside of the classroom. Formal instruction hours are limited and having the knowledge to use an app empowers students to be more in control of their own learning.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW |ELLII: Instructor will preview this activity by asking students about their experiences learning English and whether they have used an English language learning app and if so, which one. Instructor will then introduce the app which has been selected, such as ELLII. Instructor will project it on the board and demonstrate to students how to use the app. Instructor will then show students how to log in and ask students to do so as well. Instructors will then show students where to go on the app and ask students to do the same.

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Learning to Complete Online Forms

Gardner Pilot Academy Adult Education Program

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #Survey #GoogleForms #GPA

WHAT | Students will learn how to complete online forms. Student digital skills assessments, class evaluations, teacher evaluations and other feedback needs can be completed using surveys.

WHY | Students being able to complete online forms is crucial to their digital literacy. These forms are commonly used by schools, doctors’ offices, hospitals, online retailers and more. By knowing how to complete these forms, students will be able to use technology as part of our digital society and be able to share information with others in a fast, concise form.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Forms: Instructors will preview the activity by projecting a form and asking students questions such as what they know about forms, when they have had to fill out forms, whether they have completed online forms, and so on. Instructors will then project an online program-wide survey. Instructors will next demo filling in the survey. Instructor will then project a blank survey and have students come up to complete the survey. Instructor will then project the ink to an online program-wide survey. Finally, students will complete and submit the online survey under the supervision of instructor and volunteer.

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Learning Digital Literacy Skills Using Online Digital Literacy Learning Programs

Gardner Pilot Academy Adult Education Program

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #LearningSoftware #GCFGlobal #GPA

WHAT | Students use programs such as GCFGlobal to learn new digital literacy skills such as how to use WhatsApp or Word. This will standardize the use of one reliable, consistent source for teaching digital literacy skills.

WHY | The goal is for students to improve their digital literacy skills. Instructors may have taught digital literacy skills themselves, using whatever their own knowledge, training, and resources includes. Using an online learning program will help standardize student knowledge and experience throughout the program as well as simplify instruction for teachers. Using a consistent resource will ensure consistent, standardized student knowledge and also consistent, reliable teaching methods.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW |GCFGlobal: Instructors will select a lesson based on student need and program goals. Instructors will preview the lesson by asking what students know about that topic and then projecting an example of that skill (i.e,, if the lesson is on composing email, then the instructor will project an email). Instructors will then lead a class discussion as to why and how that particular skill could be useful. Instructors will then project the web address and ask students to go there. Students will then move through the online lesson. When students are finished, the instructor will lead the class as a group to complete a demo exercise using that skill, projecting that on the board (i.e., if the skill is composing an email, the instructor will lead the class in writing a sample email). The instructor will then give the students an assignment to individually practice that skill (i.e., the students may be asked to compose an email to a class partner about what they did that day).

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

EF1-12: Essential Foundations skills: This routine can be applied to most of the skills listed in the Seattle Digital Equity Initiaitve’s skill framework. In the initial uses of this routine, it is anticipated that many of the Essential Foundation Skills, EF.1 - EF.12, will be covered. The Essential Foundation Skills cover the skills needed to use digital devices and be active online and those are the same skills that the students will be studying using online digital literacy learning programs. Students can use these skills in their daily lives to complete tasks such as find information on the internet, make online purchases, locate online resources, use social media, and communicate with others digitally. For example, EF.9 is Send & Receive Email. Instructors may select an online lesson on sending email in order to facilitate learning this important skill.