Charlestown Adult Education

Education, Workforce, Reentry

Charlestown Adult Education (CAE) is a full-service educational, career, reentry center, and MassHire Access Point with a mission to provide essential ancillary services to all at-risk and underserved populations, such as English Language Learners, returning citizens, and young adults who leave high school prior to completion. Our staff strives to create a welcoming environment for all of our students. Our mission is to equitize and advance opportunities through our seamless pipeline of services ensuring that all who come to us succeed.


Assess Learner Knowledge Using Online Forms

Charlestown Adult Education

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #Survey #GoogleForms #CAE

WHAT: Create online quizzes with built-in answer keys for students to use as a post-lesson assessment tool that provides students with quick, actionable feedback and explanations.

WHY: Provide learners with immediate feedback on the accuracy of their answers to address misconceptions, reinforce knowledge, and help make content “stickier.” Learners often become more self-aware when reviewing their responses, asking themselves metacognitive questions such as “Why did I think the answer was….and not…?” Providing quizzes that provide immediate feedback also increases opportunities for learners to conduct independent self-study.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Forms (Quiz)

Note: Quizzes will be short and focused on the main points of the lesson taught.  Learners will be able to see their results immediately. Quizzes will be stored in the same folder as the class materials, accessed via the class QR code.

We envision student access as follows:

lesson1.pdf       quiz1.pdf 

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Build a Class Glossary Using a Spreadsheet Program

Charlestown Adult Education

TAGS: #InstructionalRoutine #Spreadsheet #GoogleSheets #CAE

WHAT: Create an online lesson/unit glossary for students using a spreadsheet program that includes content vocabulary, pronunciation prompts, and images.  Students/teachers will be able to communicate via a comment field.

WHY: Transferrable, independent language learning skills. Provide learners with relevant vocabulary in an accessible format online to enhance learning and provide opportunities to review and practice what was learned in class.  Students can apply these skills while working independently and add words to their glossary as they discover new words.  Learning new vocabulary is key to understanding every subject and builds confidence in future learning and skill acquisition.  

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Sheets 

The glossary will be stored in the same google drive folder as the class materials, accessed via the class QR code.

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Enhance Understanding and Language Access by Utilizing Translation Tools Available in the Internet Browser

Charlestown Adult Education

TAGS: #ProgramPractice #Internet #TranslationTools #CAE

WHAT: Use internet browser-specific translation tools to enable students to translate English-language web pages, forms, and documents into their first language.  

WHY: By utilizing browser-specific translation tools, you can improve language access and accuracy while reducing frustration. This applies to tasks such as completing intake forms, reading classroom assignments, and browsing the web. Enabling learners to utilize these translation tools empowers them to translate any English language form, document, or website, ultimately enhancing comprehension. Educating teaching staff, teachers, and students on the usage of these resourceful tools promotes efficiency and comprehension. The availability of instant translation tools fosters enhanced learning, understanding, and independence for all learners.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW |Built In Translation tools

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Provide Centralized Access to Class Content and School Information Through a Structured Wiki Intranet Website

Charlestown Adult Education

TAGS: #ProgramPractice #WebDesign #GoogleSite #CAE

WHAT: Learners will have 24/7 access to a structured wiki intranet website where they will find a variety of class resources such as class presentations, online quizzes, and online class-relevant vocabulary tools.  In addition to this, students will have access to school information such as school calendars, handbooks, and current newsletters.

WHY: The main idea is to provide 24/7 access to educational materials through a structured wiki intranet website, allowing students to find relevant materials to expand and reinforce their knowledge using an internal educational-friendly platform. The platform connects with other tech tools such as QR codes, Google Drives, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Online forms, PDF classroom material, and a Glossary of new English vocabulary words, and their proper pronunciation. All these tools will be located in one user-friendly place.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | Google Sites

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Use QR Codes to Provide Students with Quick and Easy Access to Course Materials

Charlestown Adult Education

TAGS: #ProgramPractice #MobileDevice #QRcodes #CAE

WHAT | Learners use their smartphones or tablets to scan a QR code and access class materials (lessons, practice, and assessments) stored in a google drive. This enables students to access class materials “on demand” and offers students a unique experience in that all lessons are accessible on their smartphones.  All students, even those without computers or WiFi, are able to engage with and review class materials at a time that is convenient for them.

QR codes are black and white square symbols that can be scanned with a smartphone or laser to access information about a product or service. They can contain links, coupons, and event details.

WHY: Ensure that all learners have 24/7 access to digital literacy lessons and materials through cloud storage, allowing students to access course content and extending opportunities for students who may have missed a class. Using QR codes provides a unique experience for students to practice scanning codes and accessing materials on their cell phones. This approach promotes self-directed learning.

The goals for this routine are to:

The use of QR codes makes a unique experience because students learn to use their cellphones to practice scanning QR codes, access online documents, and save class materials to their own google drive storage so that they have 24/7 access to class materials for additional learning and review.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | QRCodes:

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):