Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF)

Perkins Community Center Adult Learning Program

Most of our learners are new to the United States. Their primary goal has always been to speak English so they can work in the United States or get a better job. We’re giving them the proper tools to be fluent in English. Once they accumulate sufficient English, they’ll look for employment. The lessons are specifically designed to be relevant to their job searches. Digital Literacy is a major component of the curriculum. We provide them with the computer skills to help them meet their job demands.


Create a Digital Journal Using an Online Word Processor

BCYF Perkins

TAGS:#InstructionalRoutine #WordProcessing #GoogleDocs #Perkins

WHAT: Learners create a digital journal using an online word processor to practice their writing skills and develop their vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.

WHY: Journaling is important in English language learning as it provides a space for learners to practice and improve their writing skills. It allows them to express their thoughts, ideas, and experiences in English, which helps develop their vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. Journaling also encourages learners to reflect on their language learning journey and track their progress over time. It promotes self-expression, creativity, and critical thinking, as learners can explore different topics and engage in personal reflection. Additionally, journaling enhances fluency and confidence in writing, as learners regularly engage in the process of generating written content. It provides an opportunity for learners to experiment with language, practice new vocabulary and grammatical structures, and receive feedback from their teachers. Journaling can also serve as a valuable resource for teachers, as they can assess learners' writing skills, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted feedback and support. 

By using an online word processor for online journaling, students can easily access and update their journal entries from any device with internet access. It also allows for seamless collaboration and provides a convenient way for you to monitor and assess their writing progress. In the process, they develop foundational digital skills. 

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW |GoogleDocs

Establish a consistent schedule for journaling, whether it's at the beginning or end of each class.

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):

Use an Online English Learning Platform to Practice Skills

BCYF Perkins

TAGS: #IntructionalRoutine #LearningSoftware #USALearns #Perkins

WHAT | Used as an extra-curricular activity within or outside the classroom. Each learner will have an account and be enrolled in an online English learning platform assigned by the teacher. The learners will have access to a diversity of English activities to develop a variety of skills, including listening, spelling, vocabulary, and pronunciation. This dynamic and interactive approach to learning English provides learners with flexibility and autonomy, allowing them to engage with the language in a personalized and self-paced manner.

WHY: Utilizing an online English learning platform serves as a valuable tool for learners to further enhance their English skills beyond the traditional classroom setting. By incorporating online learning as a supplementary activity, learners gain additional opportunities to practice and reinforce their English language abilities across various domains. These platforms often provide a wide range of exercises and resources that cover multiple aspects of English proficiency. From vocabulary building to listening comprehension, learners can engage in targeted practice exercises to strengthen their language skills. The interactive nature of the platform fosters an engaging learning experience, allowing learners to actively participate and track their progress. By incorporating online learning platforms into their language learning journey, learners can take advantage of flexible learning opportunities, personalized practice, and continuous improvement in their English proficiency.

Connected Evidence-Based Strategies | This strategy connects to the following evidence-based strategies:

HOW | USALearns

Utilized as a daily practice to supplement learners' English language skills. Learners can use USALearns as an additional resource for daily English language practice. They can access a variety of activities and exercises on the platform to enhance their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

DIGITAL SKILLS | Implementing this strategy connects to the following digital skill(s):