If This Then That



  1. Lost Dog
  2. Group gravity
  3. Running Dinosaur
  4. Designing the group project
  5. Time for Group Project work

Important Links

Individual Meeting:

David Burgess - https://meet.lync.com/teals/davidburgess/QCZM1H7L

If this link works here are a bunch of premade game assets:


Katie: https://meet.lync.com/teals/amandabowen/39B1PF1L

As you come in today, please begin your Brain Warm-Up

Brain Warm Up

Remember our old code dog. Well it's managed to get itself lost. Check out the gif above and think about how to implement this. Go through the process of thinking through it in non block terms (algorithms) before trying to confine the solution to blocks (programming language).

We have created a worksheet to help you mentally map this out.

Complete the design worksheet for this dog and turn it in to Ms Bowen when you are finished.

If (conditional) you finish early (finished early is a boolean yes/no), review the T-Rex breakdown and mentally walk through the same exercise (you do not need to fill out a paper for this).

Conditional Thought Candy

It's a me, Mario


Mario can hop on goomba heads to take them out of the game (hooray jumping!).

However, IF Mario walks into a goomba he either shrinks IF he is in his larger costume or loses that level IF he is at his smallest.

T-Rex Breakdown

This game can completely be built given tools we know. Break this program down into smaller problems and questions you know the answers to. When combined these answers are what make up larger, more complex games/programs.

  • How do you make the T-Rex constantly look as if it were running?
  • How could you move cactus sprites towards the T-Rex?
  • Name a sprite interaction.
  • What animation changes does the T-Rex do?
    • What triggers these changes (or what could be used to trigger these animation changes)?

When the user presses space bar the T-Rex changes his y position (positively) over time and eventually comes back down to his original y position (or in not so nerdy words, the T-Rex Jumps).

  • How can you make the dinosaur simulate jumping?
  • Which category of blocks will help with getting the T-Rex in the right position?
  • How is the game score determined?
  • How could you implement this with code in a previous class challenge?
  • What other ways could you introduce scoring into this game?
  • What block could be used to detect a T-Rex has jumped over a cactus?

How about the cactus interaction:

  • What blocks could be used to detect that the T-Rex has smacked a cactus?
  • What could be used to signal the end of game?
  • How does the game know it is over?
  • How do you reset the game and what changes when you do?

Group Gravity

Together we will revisit the jumping lab from Friday. By replicating gravity and having a mechanism to Jump you're pretty close to having classics like Mario all figured out. Let's as a group work on code that mimics this behavior with an added conditional (If/Then) twist. Wait for my instruction and we will walk through a coding this lesson as a class.