

Welcome to Tuesday:

le skype:


Do Now:

Create a list of 10 inspirational quotes, implement this list in Snap!

Export project, save as "4.3-Do-Now-LastName", email to teals@mcpsweb.org

Traversal "Demo"/"Lecture":

Traversal is defined as the process of accessing each element of a list in order and performing an operation at each element.

Lab 4.2 Wrap Up and Lab 4.3: Guess Who!

Lab 4.2 - from yesterday :D

Lab 4.3 - https://tealsk12.gitbooks.io/introduction-to-computer-science/content/Unit%204%20PDF/Lab%204.3%20Guess%20Who.pdf

When completed: Export project, save as "Lab-4.3-LastName", email to teals@mcpsweb.org

Eager Beaver Challenge:

Implement a fractal in Snap!