Oh, Snap!



  1. Review CS vocabulary
  2. Community & Influencers
  3. Review F.A.I.L.ing
  4. Class - code walkthrough
  5. Group Snap! Lab
  6. a different link to lab


As you enter the room, please begin today's Brain Warm Up

Brain Warm Up

You all did amazing yesterday! So first thing first give yourself a pat on the back.

As you come into class consider your answers to the worksheet from the past two sessions.

Think about the cool things you found in Snap!

Write down

  • one "block" you found that you found interesting or useful.
  • one thing you enjoyed about coding yesterday.
  • one thing that was difficult about coding.

Think of any other lessons you learned while experimenting with our new best friend Snap!

Lecture Videos:

Additional Videos: