

  1. Review CS vocabulary
    • "algorithm"
    • "programming language"
  2. Discuss programming languages
  3. Connect to the class
  4. Lightbot Programming
  5. [Optional] Snap! Hour of Code

As you come in today, please begin working on the "Brain Warm Up"

Brain Warm Up

Think about yesterday's lesson. Talking to a computer is tough some times. The language you choose is very important. If you are not careful you may end up with peanut butter and jelly everywhere.

Listed below is the same exact program in 9 different programming languages. Write down what you think this program is telling a computer to do. Consider which one is confusing? Which one's look "nicer"? Which ones look easier to learn? Which looks the most complicated? Which looks the most fun?

If you had to do yesterday's lab and you could only write in one of these languages which would you choose?

Objective: Explain why computer programs are written in specialized languages. Begin programming in a visual programming language.