Monday, 3 May 2021
By Iman Muttaqin

More than 100,000 tweets using the hashtag #KerajaanGagal on Twitter.

KUALA LUMPUR #KerajaanGagal or (failed government) trended in the past weeks and still could be seen on Twitter today as Malaysians aired their frustrations over the current government failing on multiple fronts.

The expressed anger was caused by the rising number of COVID-19 cases that currently stand quite 2,000 cases daily, with the general public questioning the aim of the emergency proclamation leading to the suspension of the Parliament since January that has failed to bring down the amount of cases.

The seething frustration is also evident in the double standards in the application of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of the Movement Control Orders (MCO), which have been heavily fined by the public for violating them while the elites have been treated differently.

Lembah Pantai MP, Fahmi Fadzil, believed the hashtag is a public manifestation of deep disgruntlement in the directions of the authorities for numerous reasons.

Lembah Pantai MP and Communications Director of Parti Pakatan Keadilan Rakyat, Fahmi Fadzil.
(Source: Malaymail / Yusof Mat Isa)

“Failure curbing the pandemic; failure to ensure equal treatment in the matter of SOPs; failure to provide leadership in stabilising the economy, specifically on the issues of economic sectors, as well as jobs, unemployment and cost of living,” he advised while contacted by Berita DIMENSi via WhatsApp.

Fahmi said the hashtag is an ephemeral phenomenon that comes and goes quietly quickly.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, social media users began expressing their disagreement by creating a series of hashtags that garnered attention and took the opportunity to criticise Perikatan Nasional’s administration.

This year alone different hashtags make waves on social media. This is due to the public demands on justification and highlighting government's failures in handling the pandemic of COVID-19.

“Before #KerajaanGagal, there was #KitaJagaKita, #RakyatJagaRakyat, #AntaraDuaDarjat and also #Undi18Now. After #KerajaanGagal the hashtag that drew lots of interest was #DengkiKe.

“As such, we need to have a bigger picture of the broader sentiment, rather than focus on just one hashtag alone,” he added.

When asked whether the hashtag is simply a case of people following the trend or a real expression of dissatisfaction, Fahmi believed it was a real sense of dissatisfaction.

“The question is whether anything will happen as a result of this series of hashtags, or whether people will just quieten down.

“It remains to be seen,” he said.

Following the viral hashtag, Armada exco member Harris Idaham Rashid said it was merely a tactic organised by a small number of social media influencers.

According to him, 79% of people between the ages of 21 and 30 were satisfied with Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin's success as Prime Minister based on a survey done by Merdeka Center.

“The results of the Merdeka Center study showed that 70% of respondents were satisfied with the government's performance in managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This proves that the measures taken by the Perikatan Nasional to curb COVID-19 and revive the economy were well received by 70% of the respondents,” he said in an official Facebook posting.

Later found, the conducted poll by Merdeka Center between 31 March and 12 April participated through 2,111 registered electorate with 64% Malay, 28% Chinese, and 8% Indian.

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