People use the LRT Kelana Jaya lane to go to their workplace.

(Source: Bernama)

Public transportation has been utilized fully by the employees who are working from home in Malaysia due to the worst heavy traffic in Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley after entering the endemic phase.

Smart Selangor’s route.

(Source: The Star)

However, the lack of knowledge utilising public transportation due to the thought that it is not user-friendly is one of the reasons why it is underused.

Some individuals do not know how to utilize the Smart Selangor bus since they are not familiar with the bus's itinerary, so they would rather use their own means of transportation to go wherever they need to go.

MyRapid50 is an additional service provided by the government to the general population.

Rahman Zakaria, 26, one of the MyRapid50 users, claims that it is worth it to own MyRapid50.

“MyRapid50 can save a lot of money since you only need to pay RM 50 a month, but you can use all public transport in Malaysia.

"If you use your own vehicle, such as a car or motorcycles, you will have to pay a lot of money," said Rahman in an interview with Berita DIMENSi through WhatsApp.

Nurul Salmiza Abdullah, 26, a frequent user of public transport, emphasized that if the public began to utilize public transit, it would save time and protect the environment by reducing the number of vehicles on the road.

She also added that automobiles and motorcycles may contribute to air pollution and noise pollution; thus, using public transportation can help to reduce these pollutants.

Nevertheless, Salmiza stated that not everyone wants to utilize public transportation due to a mentality and status quo that everyone must own and operate a vehicle.

“They assumed that individuals who utilise public transportation are merely the poor,” said Salmiza.

A student known as Faid, 25 is a frequent user of public transportation to his institution, and claims that he is dissatisfied with the current public transportation.

“I am dissatisfied with current public transportation, and the government should enhance its use rather than construct additional motorways.

“Government could also create additional Bus Rapid Transit, similar to TransJakarta, so that buses may bypass traffic bottlenecks in Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley,” he said.

To help people use public transport in Malaysia, we have prepared interactive information on ways to use public transport effectively without getting confused with the route, details on how to enter the platform and other services that are provided.

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