10th Grade English

Week of 5/4 - 5/8:

English 10 Agenda (IRP):

Tuesday: Read 45 Minutes total today. Break up your reading after the first 15-20 minutes. Comment on the post in Microsoft Teams if you need help or have questions.

Friday: Task 1: Read 15 Minutes. Task 2: Create an A-Z List based on your book.


**Visit the calendar page & resources/handout page for information regarding optional classroom assignments/instruction****

This course is designed for the high school student on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Teachers deliver specially designed instruction in reading fluency, comprehension and written expression.

Students receive specially-designed instruction in academic (reading fluency, comprehension, and written expression) study organization, behavior, and social areas as indicated on their evaluation from the LRC I staff/classroom and/or related service therapists.