WPI Teaching Practicum

Claire Behning


This portfolio provides an overview of my experience in the Teacher Preparation Program at WPI. I was a student teacher at Worcester Technical High School during the Spring Semester of 2022. I worked with four different classes of 9th grade honors biology students. Through this program I worked to receive my Massachusetts Initial Teaching License in Biology. To earn this license, it is necessary to demonstrate proficiency in the 6 categories of the CAP Cycle: Well Structured Lessons, Adjustments to Practice, Safe Learning Environment, Meeting Diverse Needs, High Expectations, and Reflective Practice. My growth and reflections in each of these areas is described, and evidence of lesson plans, assessments, and student feedback are incorporated.

Personal & Professional Growth

One of the largest areas of my growth was in my confidence. When I first began student teaching I struggled to feel comfortable in front of the class and did not know the best ways to interact with the students and ask questions. Through this process I have grown in my abilities to speak in front of a group and communicate effectively. Not only have I become more comfortable in front of a classroom, but also with myself.

Educational Philosophy

My goal in teaching is to create a classroom environment that encourages students to feel comfortable to ask questions, make mistakes, and grow. Through engaging lessons that incorporate diverse learning needs, I hope to help every student in my classroom feel empowered to engage with science in an active and hands on way. All students are unique, and as a teacher, my job is to give them the tools to appreciate their differences, see their potential, and be able to succeed in a way that is meaningful to them.

Professional Goal

My professional goal for my practicum was "To increase participation in each class, by incorporating and experimenting with a new participation strategy each week, including a variety of verbal, written, and technology based options to provide multiple modes of interaction."

Professional Culture

While at WTHS the culture of collaboration was significant in its positive effects. I had the opportunity to observe multiple science teachers meet and talk with each other over the entirety of the practicum, to discuss sharing resources and lesson plans. Everybody was willing to help support each other in both content creation and behavior management. I learned how to be a teacher who works with others in a positive and constructive way to create the best product and outcome for the students.

Student Success

One of the most impactful ways a teacher can influence student success is by believing in each students' abilities. Part of my teaching style was to consistently reinforce positive behavior and work. Phrases that were frequently used in my classroom were:

"Amazing", "Awesome", "I believe in you", "You can do this", "That was fantastic, I think everyone would benefit from hearing that answer! Can you repeat that?", "I am proud of all the work you did on this", "This test does not define you", "You are worthy of so many good things.", "Thank you."

When I used these phrases, I hoped the students could feel that it was genuine, and in return would work hard and put forward their best effort. I worked to ensure that the students knew I had high expectations, and that they were capable of succeeding at a high level.


I would like to thank everyone who was involved in helping me through this process. My success would not have been possible without the following people: Jocelyn Coughlin my mentor teacher, who allowed me to enter her classroom and trusted me with her students, while providing me with support and allowing me to grow. Therese Gerhardt, my program supervisor, who gave me amazing feedback that gave me skills to grow and encouragement to be confident in myself. And Shari Weaver, the Teacher Preparation Program Director, for giving me opportunities to learn pedagogical skills, as well as continual support and advice.