Worcester District Overview

Worcester, Massachusetts is a city with a population of 185,186. It is a district with 44 schools with a total enrollment of 23,735 students in PK-12. Located in Central Massachusetts, it is known as the "heart of the Commonwealth" (2). Worcester became officially incorporated as a city February 29, 1848 (2). Within the school district there is a 14.2 to 1 student:teacher ratio (3). There are 74 languages spoken throughout the schools, and a 94% overall attendance rate (3). Additionally, there are 24 sports offered throughout the school year (3).


Selected Populations Worcester District

When compared to the state, the Worcester Public School District has 35% more students whose first language is not english than the average of Massachusetts. Additionally there are 17.3% more English Language Learners than the State average. There are 74.3% students in the Worcester district who are low income, and 43.8% in the State total. There are slightly more students with disabilities in Worcester at 21.1% and 18.9% for the state. Finally, there are 28.5% more students with High Needs when compared to the State.

Race/Ethnicity Worcester District

In the Worcester Public School District there are 16.9% African American students (9.3% State), 6.0% Asian students (7.2% State), 44.7% Hispanic (23.1% State), 0.2% Native American (0.2% State), 27.9% White (55.7% State), 0.0% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (0.1% State), and 4.3% Multi-Race or Non-Hispanic (4.3% State).


4-Year Graduation Rate Worcester District

The overall graduation rate of the Worcester Public School District is 88%. When comparing sex, Females have a 90.8% graduation rate and Males have a 85.4% rate. Students with disabilities have the lowest 4-year graduation rate of 73.1%, with 17.1% of those not graduated remaining in school and 9.8% dropped out. English Language Learners have a 79.2% rate with 11.6 of those not graduating remaining school and 8.9% dropped out. 90.9% of African American students graduate, 96.3% of Asian students, 83.2% of Hispanic or Latinx students, 90% of White students, and 93% of Multi-race or non-Hispanic or Latinx students.

MCAS 2021: Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Worcester Public School District Compared to the State for 10th Grade English Language Arts

In the District of Worcester Public Schools overall 9% of 10th grade students exceed expectations on the English Language Arts MCAS (State 19%), 33% Meet Expectations (State 45%), 37% Partially Meet Expectations (State 27%), and 20% are Not Meeting Expectations (State 9%)

MCAS 2021: Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Worcester Public School District Compared to the State for 10th Grade Math

In the District of Worcester Public Schools overall 4% of 10th grade students exceed expectations on the Math MCAS (State 11%), 24% Meet Expectations (State 41%), 44% Partially Meet Expectations (State 36%), and 27% are Not Meeting Expectations (State 12%).